Home Consciousness Uranus Retrograde 2024: Intensifying Deeply Buried Karmic Fears

Uranus Retrograde 2024: Intensifying Deeply Buried Karmic Fears

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by Conscious Reminder

Every year, Uranus undergoes a retrograde period lasting approximately five months.

Uranus is associated with significant transformations, groundbreaking advancements, and unexpected shifts. When Uranus makes contact with a planet in the natal astrology chart, it tends to bring about forward-thinking and freedom-oriented energy, sometimes with a touch of quirkiness. Given that Uranus retrograded for approximately half a year, this particular period may not be as impactful as certain other retrogrades. Nevertheless, this remains a significant period.

Understanding the Impact of Retrogrades on Astrology

It is a well-known fact that every planet goes into retrograde at some point. There is variation in the frequency of this practice among individuals. Mercury undergoes retrograde motion multiple times throughout the year. It is worth noting that Mars undergoes retrograde motion approximately every two years. The frequency of a planet going into retrograde is determined by the relative orbital speeds of that planet and Earth, as well as the frequency of our planet passing or being passed by the other planet.

During retrogrades, planets or other orbiting bodies may appear to move backward. However, the concept of retrograde motion is not based on scientific evidence. The apparent movement of the celestial body is a result of our proximity and the variation in our relative velocities. Just as a train may seem to move in reverse when you’re in another train traveling at a higher speed, there is a similar phenomenon at play here.

Retrogrades are a well-known occurrence that is acknowledged by both astrology and astronomy. During retrogrades, it is customary to take a more introspective approach and carefully consider the teachings associated with the planet in question. Typically, this is not the ideal time to initiate action or embark on new projects, particularly in relation to the subjects associated with that celestial body. Nevertheless, navigating through a Uranus retrograde requires a level of finesse beyond simply steering clear of Uranian activities.

Uranus Retrograde 2024: Dates & Meaning

Uranus went retrograde from August 29, 2023, to January 27, 2024, marking the beginning of the new year. Uranus will enter retrograde motion once again later this year, beginning on September 1, 2024, and continuing until January 30, 2025. These retrogrades will both be affected by the Taurus sign. Consequently, a recurring theme or storyline from your life may resurface during the second retrograde of the year, or both retrogrades may share a similar theme. Considering that Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, you may find it fruitful to contemplate the themes associated with Uranus, the house that Taurus occupies in your natal chart, and the sign Taurus as a whole during these retrogrades. You should also check your natal chart to see if Uranus will make any major aspects to any planets.

Several other retrogrades will occur, at least partially, at the same time as this one, including:

  • Mercury Retrograde: November 25 to December 15, 2024
  • Jupiter Retrograde: October 9, 2024, to February 4, 2025
  • Saturn Retrograde: June 29 to November 15, 2024
  • Neptune Retrograde: July 2 to December 7, 2024
  • Pluto Retrograde: May 2 to October 11, 2024

The end of the year is a time of many retrogrades, so it’s a good time to think back on what you’ve learned.

When Uranus turns retrograde, it’s a good time to take stock of the world around you and figure out how everything fits together. Through this process, change begins on the outside and moves inward. Imagine it as a chance for your mind to reconnect with the outside world. Retrogrades generally recommend staying indoors, reflecting, and engaging in activities like meditation or journaling. Spending half of the year dozing off isn’t practical for most people. Even though these retrograde periods can be quite lengthy, you can incorporate these healing and thought-provoking activities into your routines.

A lot of what you’ve been experiencing since 2018 will be revisited during this specific retrograde in Taurus. Since lifestyle, comfort, and security are some of Taurus’ favorite topics, it’s likely that these were the areas in which you initiated the changes. Uranus, the planet of surprises, is in Taurus this fall, a sign that values stability. In this area, the effects aren’t as strong, and the shifts might be less noticeable. It could be months, or even years, before you even notice these subtle changes taking place.

Uranus Retrograde 2024: Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Affected?

Those with prominent Taurus placements, such as the Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, will feel this Uranus retrograde most strongly. Those with Uranus as a ruler in their natal charts may also feel this retrograde. Those born in the years 2018 and 1935–1942, as well as those with Uranus in Taurus, will also experience heightened sensitivity.

Things to Avoid During Uranus Retrograde

Nobody can afford to put their lives on hold during such a lengthy and frequent retrograde period. But there are a few things that need more deliberation and investigation.

  • Avoid suppressing your true desires. Even if it means making a major life change, listen to your heart and do what it says.
  • If following the rules doesn’t make you feel good, then don’t do it.
  • Stay away from the herd mentality. You should strike out on your own now.

How to Make the Most of Uranus Retrograde?

Embrace the opportunity to incorporate the wisdom gained from outside influences during a Uranus retrograde. The most important thing to remember during a retrograde is to be flexible and open to new experiences. Since Uranus is the planet of sudden and dramatic transformation, this is particularly true. While Uranus is retrograde, it is recommended that you:

  • When it comes to making a change, trust your gut.
  • Revise long-standing customs that appear antiquated.
  • Keep speaking, no matter how tough things get.

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