Can Ghosts Actually Harm Us? That question has caused some heavy debating. Some believe ghosts can cause serious physical harm, some believe they can only harm us if we allow them, …
by Conscious Reminder God’s creation all around us is infused with energy and divine light. This light blesses us with special universal knowledge about our planet, the Universe and Paradise, …
Mercury Retrograde Summer 2018 Spiritual Meanings That Will Help You Get Through This Tumultuous Time
by Jessica Booth Brace yourselves, because Mercury retrograde is coming up, and it’s going to be a wild ride for everyone. Mercury goes retrograde a few times a year, and it’s …
by Conscious Reminder The Messages of the Universe are Conveyed as Master Numbers, Especially for Soulmates and Twin Flames The world is your oyster guys if you are with your …
You may be wondering how your intuitive guesses are a hit every time. It may be your extrasensory perception a.k.a. your psychic awakening that is helping you amass information which …
You Will Find It Surprising Why Empaths Constantly Fall for the ‘Wounded Narcissists’
by Conscious Reminder Actions say more than words. But unfortunately, it is only words and an inflated, grandiose sense of their ‘own selves’ that one ever obtains while in a relationship …
Every time you get comfortable in life, it will throw a bunch of hardships at you like as if it was waiting to do so. So much life, every time …
by Conscious Reminder The 5th-dimensional vibrational frequency is the ultimate thing that you can feel with your partner. Many times, you may be on a different dimension than your boyfriend. …
by Conscious Reminder You might have experienced the presence of negative energy that disrupts your well-being and positivity. This might be the negative energy intentionally directed towards us through the jealous …
by Tanaaz | Forever Conscious Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods will go retrograde from July 25 until August 18, in the sign of Leo. Whenever Messenger Mercury goes retrograde, …