If you’re wise enough to make a decision of working with your guardian angels, they will give you subtle signs to show the correct path. These hints are small yet …
by Mateo Sol The sound is one of the purest forms of energy in existence. Sound inspires us, uplifts us, helps us to communicate, express ourselves, and even heal at a deep …
Spiritual unfolding is a process where our souls grow, increase, expand, and become. Having enough knowledge of our spiritual unfolding is important in knowing the purpose of our existence; why …
“The signs of the zodiac are karmic patterns; the planets are the looms; the will is the weaver.” ~Edgar Cayce How has the world changed from one animal to another …
by Conscious Reminder Most of us believe that there is a power above who controls everything on earth. Archangels or Cherubs are those messengers who convey our thoughts to that …
Let us break our limitations with a question – will you allow your children to play with a knife if you know that they can cut themselves? I don’t think …
by Conscious Reminder Have you been told often about your personality being intimidating? Most of the time people judge you with no knowledge about you or your life. Your personality …
How To Use The Spiritual Power Of A New Moon To Right Your Wrongs From Last Month
It’s always the full moon people look forward to — the culmination of all the powers that be, the spark that lights our wildest instincts, the last shove of energy …
7 Reasons To Rediscover The Transformative Power Of Shamanism In The Modern World
By Yaacov Darling Khan If I asked you to picture a shaman, what would you see in your mind’s eye? A lone mystic, sitting cross-legged in a cave somewhere, wreathed in …
BY SOFO ARCHON | The Unbounded Spirit “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” ~Isaac …