When someone has walls up, it’s always for a reason, but the possibilities for that reason are endless. Perhaps you are cynical since so far, everyone you date seems to …
While talking about the damage that an empath can undergo at the hands of a narcissist, I was asked the question, “As an empath, how do you heal?” I think …
Calling Upon The White Light For Protection And Guidance
by Conscious Reminder White Light is usually referred to as the space within the universes which is a place for positive energy. This white light can help you; in fact, …
by Conscious Reminder Have you met your Higher Self? Have you even tried to reconnect with it? Yes, we have reached a point of time where all of us are …
Gaslighting: Reasons Why Women Choose To Stay In Abusive Relationships
by Conscious Reminder It seems weird at first to think, ‘why women stay in abusive relationships’, but one who has been in such situations understands exactly what goes on. However, in …
We can sense more than we see. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, …and magnetoreception? While we are quite used to our five basic senses, there has always been a search for …
There Are 12 Types Of Lightworkers That Transform The Human Spirit! Which One Are You?
Serving humanity doesn’t have to be in the limelight, on the stage, you don’t have to be a spiritual teacher to have an enlightening impact on others. No matter where …
by Conscious Reminder As an energy healer, I have realized one thing over these years. This has been a tough realization but when it finally dawned upon me, I know …
Many people want to know how to awaken the Kundalini. And as there are techniques for Kundalini Awakening, the majority of them are kept secret by masters until the student …
We Are All Talented In Our Own Way: The 9 Types Of Intelligence You Should Know
by Conscious Reminder The term intelligence is not just limited to academic brilliance. It is in fact a stereotype created by society; the reality is that Geniuses come in various …