Love is tricky. Whenever we find ourselves in a serious relationship, we want to know for sure if it’s the real thing, or if we’re just trying to convince ourselves …
Scientists Reveal What Blind People See When They Dream
by Conscious Reminder Have you ever asked yourself what blind people see when they dream? If dreams are a reflection of reality, how does someone with a different sense of reality …
Study Reveals: Your Body Knows When Death Is Near, And It All Begins In The Nose
The human body is a very complex system, that is quite hard to understand. Scientists are still working on figuring out how and why things work like they do. We …
Defining where someone else begins and you end seems like an odd thing to do, but if you are an empath, separation of the “Self” from others, even with all …
Below are 10 ways to make people feel good about themselves. 1. Ask them to teach you something Whenever someone says I’m great at something or they really like something …
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Actually Becoming The Person You’re Supposed To Be
by Rayi Noormega 1. You do everything by yourself and feel isolated from others. The more mature you are, the more you can handle everything by yourself and it feels …
This full moon is called the Buck Moon by the Algonquins of North America as it coincides with new antler growth on young male deer. It is also sometimes called the Thunder …
I Recently Had A Conversation With God Here Are 15 Things I Was Told
By Luke Miller Truth Theory I recently had a deep spiritual experience which you can read about here in which I felt many of life’s big questions were answered. There was no thought …
Long-term relationships don’t usually come to an abrupt end overnight, but they don’t erode slowly after years and years, either. Sometimes, it only takes a matter of months for a relationship to …
by Conscious Reminder If you have ever caught yourself behaving in a way that makes you cringe then it’s likely your ego is to blame. The ego can be tricky …