by Conscious Reminder Well, this is one of the easiest personality tests that you will take. It is so easy that all you have to do is that you have …
by Conscious Reminder The full moon on Saturday November 4, 2017 is at 12° Taurus. This month’s astrology will be mostly affected by Neptune. If you are positively associated with this …
7 Stones That Help Empaths Deal With The Intense Energies Coming From All Around
by Conscious Reminder Empaths are much more sensitive to energies than the average human. As soon as they walk in a room they can pick on the energies of the …
Why So Many Millennials Are Rejecting Religion And Turning To Witchcraft And Astrology
by Conscious Reminder Well, these days the media spends quite a lot of time discussing the future of Christianity. The media talks so much about the decline and the fall …
Which Planet Attracts You The Most? The Answer Reveals Your Universal Life Energy
It is thought that planets are living, self-regulating organisms (they are not a ‘thing’ but an actual living, breathing creature in their own right, like humans). We are all affected …
3 Ways To Bridge Spirituality And Day-to-Day Life Without Meditation
by Conscious Reminder At least once in our lives, we’ve all had a fleeting moment in which we came face to face with our oneness with the universe. Unfortunately, this …
Every woman has a secret magical power in herself … Some stubbornly deny this, hiding the broom in the pantry and some don’t mind bragging about their sorcerous abilities. Let’s …
by Conscious Reminder Alphas get a lot of shade from their peers for being bossy or an insufferable-know-it-all. But the truth is they are not choosing this. In fact here …
by Conscious Reminder There is something called Emotional Intelligence and we often ignore this concept. But Emotional Intelligence is present in all of us and everyone has a different level …
Our ancestors didn’t need a calendar to tell them Samhain was getting close – they could read the signs. People have been reading signs in the wider world for at …