by Alison Nappi, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder They may call you ‘selfish’ but they have no idea what the self actually is. They have not yet plunged into its fathomless depths.” ~Jeff Foster …
Why the Majority of Twin Flames Have a Problem Forming a Union?
by Conscious Reminder One common question that right now circulates in the community of twin flames is why most of them have issues coming into a union. A lot of twin …
The Devastating Pain You Go Through Because Of Loving Someone Who Can Never Be Yours
by Conscious Reminder “A mighty pain to love it is, And ’tis a pain that pain to miss; But, of all pains, the greatest pain Is to love, but love in …
by Conscious Reminder People usually view spending time in solitude negatively. When we are lonely, it is always understood that we miss something in life, such as friends, sociability, meaningful connection, …
by Conscious Reminder Throughout their lives, people can hit a lot of spiritual bottoms. Before finding the way to recover, their spiritual lives are completely imbalanced, so they are disabled to …
by Conscious Reminder We can be vulnerable with our romantic partners in a way which several people in our life will ever see. We share our intimate secrets, or we also …
If They Love You to the Moon and Back, They Would Do These 6 Things Unknowingly
by Conscious Reminder Relationships, particularly romantic ones, bring us a number of beautiful moments and happiness, but they could break our hearts and cause us terrible pain simultaneously. The main reason …
by Conscious Reminder Post-Narcissist Stress Disorder, or PSND, affects those who have just managed to extricate themselves from a relationship with a narcissist. It is very much like PTSD. PSND can …
by Conscious Reminder When a person is said to be an empath, he or she knows that the experiences of other people on a daily basis are sometimes going to be …
by Conscious Reminder There are many women who are capable enough to balance themselves and deal with whatever is thrown at them by unsuitable men. However, it is not right that …