by Jim Carrey: “My soul is not contained within the limits of my body, my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul. I’ve often said that I wish …
There are many powerful life lessons stories teach. Not just moral lessons, but psychological lessons, spiritual lessons, and life lessons.When you grasp the core concepts of storytelling, you’ll understand why …
Jupiter Quincunx South Lunar Node In Pisces On 22-25 October 2016 – Healing Our Relationships
Looking at the planetary transits of these last days of October, Jupiter in Libra is beginning to establish a new rhythm (Jupiter just entered Libra on September 10), considerably accelerating the evolutionary …
by Conscious Reminder It happens to everybody. People just close their eyes to our good deeds. They just deny every sincere effort we make to help others. Why does it …
Here are 52 morning mantras – one for each week of the year (note: you can start your year of morning mantras anytime you want). I choose one of these …
Even when you are not aware of it; and when you’re not asking for it; when you need it the most; when things get hard; when you’re happy and carefree. When …
In this brief article, I show you a surprisingly simple exercise to help rebalance your thoughts when you’re next feeling low. After all, life cannot be all sunshine and smiles every second …
AFFIRMATIONS: The Most Important Thing Which Defines Whether Universe Will Provide You With The Things You Want Most
Affirmations, primarily, should serve as a self-support mechanism. Something that will help us believe that we can do more and better; that not everything needs to stay the way it was until now, and …
Mantra is a sound, a word or a phrase that has powerful meaning and significance. This is why the meaning of the words in a mantra are as important as their …
Osho is one of the best known and most provocative spiritual teachers of our time. Beginning in the 1970s he attracted the attention of young people in the West who …