by Conscious Reminder You probably see a bunch of articles talking about the different traits of an empathic person, but really, we’re almost all empathic people (unless we have a …
12 Little-Known Ways That Television Stifles Spiritual Awakening
Television is a staple of almost every household in the developed world. Many kids spend more time watching TV than going to school, and the average time spent in front of …
People with black aura are intelligent and energetic. They are communicative, organized, ambitious and love to surround themselves with other people, wealth and luxury. They express the belief that every …
The world is a place made up of connections. All living things are connected in one way or another, but it takes a spiritually awake person to realize this fact …
The daughters of unloving mothers have a lot of issues which come from having lived a cruel, crazy-making lifestyle. Here’s why they attract narcissists: I think that living with a …
Spirit guides are light beings who actually form part of the spirit world and our spiritual growth. They exist in some way to help with our spiritual life path. Whether …
Our physical world is on “overdrive” – racing from one amazing discovery to the next. And the results of all of this change can impact our lives according to the …
How Materialism Posing As Mysticism Subverts Spirituality And Limits Consciousness
The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims …
There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take. At times in our lives however, we can become …
What About the Feminine? How Patriarchal Value Systems Affect Consciousness
“The world will be saved by Western Women.” ~ Dalai Lama, 2009 Not long ago I spoke to a friend who is part of a team organizing a consciousness conference. …