by Marie Albiges We all know women’s bodies and feelings are influenced by a lot of things beyond our control. One of those influences, studies show, is the moon—a satellite …
Truth & Mystery
by Lisa Whatley Who are these Indigo and Crystal Children? Am I one? How can I help my own child who seems to be one? There are many things that …
By Emmanuel Dagher | Via SpiritLibrary We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle that began last week, and will continue until early September. During highly active energy cycles, there’s often …
More and more people become aware of our deep connection to The Universe. Even science provides us with explanations of this connectedness through quantum theory. And if you’re one of …
by Christina Sarich | EWAO If you’ve ever had the experience of floating outside your physical body, with the ability to observe all that is going on around you, you’ve had an …
by Conscious Reminder Since the prehistoric ages, the Moon has always been a source of inspiration for poets, philosophers, and scientists, apart from being a part of several English proverbs …
by Conscious Reminder Before we talk about how to balance Chakras, let us talk about what they are. Chakras are these energy centers that you have in your body that we …
Evolving people who are really paying attention, may well have noted the apparent increase in earthquake and volcanic action escalating across the globe. It’s to be expected. A magnetic pole …
Oxford dictionary defines a crystal as “A piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.” Crystals vibrate at a frequency that …
The Third Eye And 5 Lesser-Known Truths About It
by Conscious Reminder The concept of a ‘third eye’ is quite popular in areas of spiritual health. They say that divine Enlightenment opens up the ‘eye’ of knowledge and intuition. …