by Tiara Kumara, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder There is a popular saying, “As above so below, as within so without”. This adage is said to have its origins from the Greek, …
Truth & Mystery
Transmuting Dysfunctional Templates And Clearing Ancestral Bloodlines For The Benefit Of Your Twin Flame Reunion
Twin flames have a very special role to fulfill in this time of earth’s ascension to a higher frequency. As volunteers to this 3rd dimensional plane of existence, we came here …
A Spiritual Healer Is Only A Mediator, Not An Almighty Creature
by Conscious Reminder Spiritual healing is one of the most subtle disciplines. The subtlety lies in the fact that a healer doesn’t have to do anything. Actually, he/she is not …
Discovering The ‘Black Light’ Of The Divine Feminine Frequency
by Diana Beaulieu; Wake Up World The Womb holds many forms of power including our ability to forge clear boundaries and create new life. However the Womb is also a fountain and …
by Conscious Reminder There has been much debate over whether animals have souls Recently I was given a work by Gary Zuvak called Seat of the Soul. It’s a popular …
Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku Explains The 11 Dimensions Of The Multiverse [Video]
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has initiated the conversation as to why other universes in the multiverse could have many more dimensions, and has spoken out on the multiverse having 11 dimensions. Though merely theory, …
Synchronicity: A Wink From The Universe With A Powerful Message Behind It
by gserpent Carl Jung coined the concept synchronicity. It basically meant events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no casual relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Synchronicity is your …
Are You A Blue Ray? You’ve Heard Of Indigo And Crystal Children, But What About The Ones Who Came Before Them?
Are You A Blue Ray? You’ve heard of Indigo and Crystal Children, but what about the ones who came before them? Are You From the Blue Ray? Star Beings & …
by Ancient Code In 1555 in France, Nostradamus began to write a series of mysterious verses, full of strange ideas. Now it is claimed that these were astonishing predictions of future …
Ancient Egyptians Believed There Are Nine Parts Of The Human Soul And Here They Are
by Conscious Reminder In ancient Egypt, a person’s soul was thought to consist of nine separate parts which were integrated into a whole individual but had very distinct aspects. The …