by Sigmund Fraud The human condition at present is one of slavery, a new kind of slavery, where bondage is psychological and spiritual rather than physical. Human consciousness is the target …
Truth & Mystery
Indigo, Crystal, Star Kids & Rainbow Children
By Karen Erickson Science is showing that there is a new evolution of the human species that is happening in the genetics of many of the children that have been …
Ancient Technique That Can Trigger Your Super Human Abilities
Sungazing was one very popular practice in ancient times. Mayans, ancient Egyptians, Indians and many more ancient cultures strongly believed in the power of the Sun. They believed that it …
Spiritual Significance Of Master Number 11/11 – Opening The Gateway
by Tanaaz In numerology, 11 is considered a Master Number and is said to hold an angelic vibration that makes wishes and dreams manifest more easily. 11 is also believed to …
by Vera Ingeborg Contributing Author, Consious Reminder We read a lot about ascension, about energy, about different frequencies, about symptoms we experience etc. The information can be not only superconfusing, …
by Selacia On 11/11 you and humanity are entering an energy gateway. It is one of a number of gateways you will experience in the coming times. What do these gateways …
5 Important Egyptian Archaeological Discoveries that Provided Leaps in Our Knowledge of the Past
by Kaya Johnson; Ancient Origins When it comes to archaeological discoveries, very few countries can measure up to the wealth of Egypt. From the Rosetta stone, to the Valley of the …
If Human Thought Can Do This To Water, Just Imagine What It Can Do To Us
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” — Nikola Tesla This is …
Mystery Behind Letter X On Your Palms (Only 3% People In The World Have It)
Palmistry: What does the letter X symbolize? Based on the ancient knowledge of palmistry, we know how the palm lines and symbols are associated with our personalities and future prospects …
Life can sometimes be difficult—and heartbreaking. In times of trouble, we turn to our loved ones for comfort, but who do you seek when it feels that no one else …