by Christina Sarich It doesn’t take a witch hunt for most people to realize that female sexuality has been feared for as long as we can remember human history. Male-constructed …
Truth & Mystery
If Any Of These 15 Animals Cross Your Path, You’re Being Contacted From ‘Above’
When certain animals cross our paths they want to give a certain message. Several Native American tribes believed that each animal held it’s own message and piece of information. Animals …
There are a lot of misconceptions about Astral Projection floating around online and offline. Let us go through some of the common ones, and throw some light on them. Myth …
by Conscious Reminder Before you read this article, I want to leave a few notes. The article will not, at any time dive into the theory of life being in …
Something Incredible Happens When You Start The Fibonacci Sequence With A 3
The fibonacci sequence is a number pattern which occurs when you start with 0 and 1, and continue to add the subsequent numbers. So- 0+1=1 1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 And …
by D.M. Amitakh Stanford Is there a spirit world where the departed “souls” reside? What happens when one dies? Materialists, atheists and skeptics could argue that there is nothing left …
The human psyche is deeply scarred with the church’s teaching of a physical place called hell, created by a God who intends to punish some individuals for eternity. As long …
Earth’s best kept secret is on the verge of being exposed. Today many things are happening and changing as humanity is getting ready to embrace a crystalline form and move …
Are You Truly In A Bad Mood Or Is It A Spirit Who Won’t Leave You Alone?
Why? They feel much more comfortable being in a physical body because that’s what they know. They do not and cannot (without permission) take over the body. Their subconscious “programming” …
Shamanism is not a system of belief or faith, it is a system of knowledge, and divination is one of the paths to gain direct knowledge. Direct knowledge can be …