by Conscious Reminder July was quite a busy month, astrologically speaking. It had loads: a very interesting Blood Moon as well the retrograde motion of Mercury to watch out for. …
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse On August 11th — Restoring The Balance
by Conscious Reminder On 11th August ‘18, the solar eclipse of the new moon will fall at 18º Leo decan 2. It will form a part of the educational triangle …
The twin flame connection is something special, something that describes the divinity in human nature and the power of love. On the other hand, it is a proof of the …
In our fast paced lives we truly forget what it means to be alive and living in the present. We are slowly shutting ourselves from our immediate surroundings and that’s …
Source: Boldsky Though there are many quizzes and tests that you would have tried around, these may not reveal the desired solution that you have been looking for. In this article, …
Uranus Is Moving Retrograde Tomorrow And It May Play Tricks On Your Emotions
by SARA COUGHLIN | Refinery 29 Take a deep breath, stargazers. Now that August has arrived, we’re in the home stretch of summer 2018, aka the summer of retrogrades. Before we’re out of …
8:8 Lionsgate Portal Opening: Supercharged Energy Bringing A Massive Shift In Consciousness
by Conscious Reminder This month has seen a tumultuous rise is the cosmic energy that has been prevalent for quite some time now. The amount of information that has been …
by Conscious Reminder This month and the last have been a roller coaster in terms of astrological predicaments. There have been several new changes, most of it could be assigned …
by Conscious Reminder Twin flames are hard to define as the term has deep rooted spiritual connotations. More often than not, the relationship between twin flames does not proceed the …
by Conscious Reminder Where do you look for help when the world doesn’t feel enough? We all feel alone and lost sometimes but at these times there is always our …