by Conscious Reminder We are humans and, hence, part of the society we live in. It is therefore inevitable for us to interact with other people. However, what many may not …
1. YOU KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS ARE A GREATER FORCE THAN MATTER, ENERGY AND POWER COMBINED You are aware that you are made of something much greater than you could ever …
The Power of the Cosmos: Manifest Your Abundance with Some Planetary Help
by Conscious Reminder Since the beginning of time, all cultures have looked up at the planets and stars and wondered what mysterious powers they hold. Over the years, men have become …
Twin Flames are two halves of the same soul incarnate in two separate human bodies. One half female energy and the other half male energy. The twins are like 2 …
A great shift is in the making: A time for very deep purification and cleansing from the inner core within ourselves and within the Earth up to the outer manifest …
Sarcasm can be taken the wrong way, and isn’t for everyone. However, in some instances, sarcasm can help foster relationships (at least with those who receive sarcasm well), boost creativity …
“The true task of radical emancipatory movements is not just to shake things out of their commonplace inertia, but to change the very coordinates of social reality.” ~ Zlavoj Zizek Governing …
There has been widespread fear that a geomagnetic storm scheduled for March 18 will wipe out power grids and cause panic. Is it time to prepare for the worst? We …
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D Not everyone is an Earth Angel, of course—for this role, God called in the biggest and brightest sparks of light for the transition to the New …
by Conscious Reminder False Twin Flames are those that look and feel like our true Twin Flames, but are not quite them. They are almost as necessary as a real Twin …