Home Consciousness The Power of the Cosmos: Manifest Your Abundance with Some Planetary Help

The Power of the Cosmos: Manifest Your Abundance with Some Planetary Help

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Since the beginning of time, all cultures have looked up at the planets and stars and wondered what mysterious powers they hold.

Over the years, men have become fascinated by the strange phenomenon of tides, which is the force of the moon pulling water from the Earth’s surface upwards.

As a result, white and black magic practitioners have consistently had planetary associations.

And not only that, major religions like Hinduism worship personifications of planets, stars, the moon, and comets.

Western practitioners of magic have more than often devoted their lives to the study of planetary energy and magic.

It’s a purer form of spiritual energy that manifests in humans and enhances their ability to perform certain rites.

The laymen clearly perceived these strange rituals as occult, leading to the execution of hundreds of conjurers and “wizards” during medieval times.

Today, however, we can safely study and practice this form of energy and its extraction without the risk of unfair punishment.

For example, the Sun, with its boom of positive light, is the banisher of negative vibrations and energies.

The Moon, is known to be especially potent for females owing to its deep connection with their menstrual cycles.

Mars brings more passion, Venus more romance, and Mercury, the speedy messenger of the gods, facilitates things and gets the wheels running.

Every planet has a special day and specific stones or crystals that can help it harness its power.

Here’s a comprehensive chart to help you arrange your energy altar:

  • Monday: Moon – white or silver candle – Moonstone – sandalwood
  • Tuesday: Mars – red candle – Ruby or Garnet – nettle herb or ginger
  • Wednesday: Mercury – yellow candle – Agate – caraway herb
  • Thursday: Jupiter – blue or purple candle – Sapphire – sage herb
  • Friday: Venus – green or pink candle – Turquoise – Rose or Jasmine flowers
  • Saturday: Saturn – black candle – Onyx – Comfrey herb
  • Sunday: The Sun – gold candle – Amber or Topaz – Marigold flowers

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