by Conscious Reminder There are a lot of people who have this one recurring issue of wanting to connect with their twin flame after their twin soul becomes a ‘runner’ …
Humans Can Feed Off Each Other’s Energy The Same Way Plants Do, Study Says.
Research conducted at the Bielefeld University has shown that plants can draw energy from another source, like plants near them. Besides plants, this discovery applies to some other forms of …
Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku Explains The 11 Dimensions Of The Multiverse [Video]
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has initiated the conversation as to why other universes in the multiverse could have many more dimensions, and has spoken out on the multiverse having 11 dimensions. Though merely theory, …
Massive Energy Shift: 2018 Is Just Around The Corner And It’s The Perfect Time To Drop The Masks
by Conscious Reminder The year 2018 is just around the corner and everything might seem crazy right now because we have been doing a lot of reflecting in the last …
by Conscious Reminder I was taken aback when my therapist told me that I am at the emotional stage of a 15-year old. I have achieved a lot in my …
Synchronicity: A Wink From The Universe With A Powerful Message Behind It
by gserpent Carl Jung coined the concept synchronicity. It basically meant events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no casual relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. Synchronicity is your …
If You Have Any Of These 10 Characteristics You Are One Of The 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers To Save The World?
There is one prediction that can be found both, in the book of revelations and the emerald tablets forecasting something really exciting! It says that there will be an incarnation of …
Many of you are aware that we were drawn into connection with a Hawaiian kahuna elder named Hale Makua during the last eight years of his life. One of the …
How To Recharge Your Spiritual Energy Using Your Hands
by Conscious Reminder We all hold the power to help and heal our own selves. Our body repairs the wounds when we get injured. When we cry, our hearts and minds …
When twin flames come across each other in the material world, their insides fulminate. An explosion that refuses to subside takes a hold of their bodies. In the beginning, they feel as …