by Conscious Reminder Angels and children are tightly connected. In so many ways, children are Earth Angels who remind their parents of how important innocence, laughter, honesty and play are. Cherubim are …
by Conscious Reminder If you believe in God, you know that he is the most benevolent being of all. He is the only one who can right all wrongs and so …
by Conscious Reminder A person will come into your life, and you won’t recognize them! Quite some time shall pass after your first encounter, but in your journey, it’s written …
Even science is having to admit that life isn’t all about solids and predictable experiments even since quantum physics came on the scene. Just because we didn’t know about all …
by Marisa Donnelly To my precious child, I want you to know something. I created you. I knew who you were, who you would become long before you were even born. …
Hindu folklore dictates that Shiva is the transformer and the superior leader of the Trinity (Trimurti) he is part of. His third eye and the ash that is rubbed all …
by Zeenat “Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” ~Anne Sexton Is life challenging you to take a bigger leap? Do you feel you are flying blind with …
I Recently Had A Conversation With God Here Are 15 Things I Was Told
By Luke Miller Truth Theory I recently had a deep spiritual experience which you can read about here in which I felt many of life’s big questions were answered. There was no thought …
No Matter What’s Happening In Your Life Right Now, You Must Read This Short Story!
It was one seemingly ordinary day when I decided to QUIT… All of a sudden I made a decision to quit my job, my relationship and finally my spirituality. I …
A Man Sees a Poor Little Girl and Asks God: ‘How Could You Let This Happen’? God Answers…
by Conscious Reminder Once upon a time, a wise man started doubting God’s kindness. Whenever he looked around, he only pain and suffering. He felt abandoned, hopeless, powerless… Once, while …
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