You may declare that life is such a big paradox when the person you believed to be the ultimate “one” already belongs to someone else. Feels like a tragedy, right? …
Twin Flame
by Karen When twin flame’s initially meet, often one or both are already in other relationships or are married. Sometimes, a little after meeting, some twin flames form a relationship with …
by Conscious Reminder The story goes that man was created by the gods as having one body but two heads and two distinct halves: a male and a female. It …
For many of the twin flames that are currently on earth, the shift over the last few years has taken its toll on our relationship and we have to walk …
What To Do If Your Twin Flame Is In A Relationship With Someone Else?
by Conscious Reminder Life is rarely easy. You’d think your biggest challenge was to find your Twin Flame. But it is not as easy as that. Even after having found your …
Twin flame magnetism and attraction? Twin flames possess mirror souls, split from the same soul at birth into perfect complements of each other. The twin flame connection represents the strongest …
Twin Souls Age Gap: What To Do When Your Twin Flame Is Much Older Than You?
by Conscious Reminder Twin flame connections are very complex. These relationships are not supposed to be easy; they are complicated to the extreme. But considering the rewards, it is not that …
by Conscious Reminder According to some beliefs and teachings a Twin Soul is someone you agreed to meet before you come into this world However, this doesn’t mean that they …
7 Differences Between A Twin Flame and A ‘False Twin’ Relationship
We have talked about Twin Flames before. Now, it’s time to talk about ‘False Twin” since the concept has been seemingly misinterpreted. I don’t want to say this, but not …
by Aletheia Luna THE LOVE EXPERIENCED BETWEEN TWO REUNITED TWIN FLAMES IS LIKE A WILD BEAST. It can’t be captured. It can’t be contained. It can’t be tamed. Instead, it burns …