Home Consciousness Twin Flame Magnetism & Attraction: What You Need to Know

Twin Flame Magnetism & Attraction: What You Need to Know

by consciousreminder

Twin flame magnetism and attraction? Twin flames possess mirror souls, split from the same soul at birth into perfect complements of each other.

The twin flame connection represents the strongest spiritual relationship we will experience in our lifetime.

On the spiritual plane, this connection manifests itself as the silver cord, an endlessly elastic and entirely unbreakable bond between the twin flames’ heart chakras.

The origin of the magnetism and attraction between twin flames is this silver cord and the unique vibrational frequencies it is sensitive to.

But how do twin flame magnetism and attraction work, and what do we need to know about the silver cord that exists between twin flames?

Shared Connection

The silver cord belongs to neither twin flames, but instead to the soul, which they split from.

Therefore, it is outside of our control. Either twin flame can use the silver cord without the other’s consent. Either person can tap into the silver cord and read its energies and vibrations.

It is in this way that we may communicate telepathically with our twin flame, but it is also where our private emotions may find their way to our twin flame.

We have little control over the connection itself, but it treats both twins with equity.

Twin Flame Magnetism: It Pulls

This is important for magnetism across the connection because both twins are pulled toward each other simultaneously.

This becomes crucial for reuniting twin flames after the runner and chaser phase, as the runner always has to work harder than the chaser just to maintain distance.

As a result, the magnetism between twin flames always closes the gap eventually.

It Represents Attunement

The silver cord is an emerging phenomenon that stems from the twin flames’ unity and shared soul.

It exists because of the shared soul’s unique vibrational frequencies, which harmonize with and amplify themselves.

This energy causes an attraction between twin flames.

It is a fundamental attraction, a deep soul-level yearning to be unified, longing to be one so as to fulfill the ultimate goal of consciousness.

When we feel the urge to be with our twin flame, it comes from deep within our soul, from the fundamental energy properties that govern the spiritual plane.

When we feel a rush of excitement around our twin flame, it is the result of perfect complementary energies harmonizing on the body.

And the Occasional Push

All of this attraction and magnetism has consequences.

Poor release of the intense energies involved in a twin flame relationship can cause one of the twin flames to move away.

This is a hugely common property of the twin flame relationship, entirely natural, and a part of the process we just have to go through.

However, as we’ve discussed, we shouldn’t worry about staying apart for too long because twin flames can’t resist the magnetism or attraction that their shared connection embodies.

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Jo June 24, 2018 - 5:51 pm

Love this!! Love the descriptions of the silver cord and the magnetism

loah January 30, 2020 - 7:36 pm

question, how is it the same soul that is being split at birth, if we are 17 years apart in age?

Aaron January 14, 2021 - 2:59 pm

Because at some point one of you died first or waited before incarnating. Time is linear so u your soul is the same age, only your body sees the illusion of time.

Matt July 22, 2021 - 11:37 pm

Noah twins’ souls were split at the beginning of their creation. It’s not something that happens all of a sudden. The 2 of you have been twins for a long time.


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