Ever heard the term Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Star? These names have become synonymous with what many believe to be a new kind of human. They are exceptionally bright, multidimensional, have psychic capacity and even speak of having direct extraterrestrial connections. These New Humans, many still children, are perhaps the most misunderstood among modern society.
Their mission is clear – to help humans on this planet to evolve. This according to renowned ET contact researcher and regression therapist Mary Rodwell.
Right on the heels of Mary Rodwell’s forthcoming book entitled, The New Human – Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage, Mary shares insights from her research into the new human including: intergenerational connections with non-human intelligence, human genetic modification, knowledge of “covert agendas,” the misunderstanding of autism, and much more.
Filmed on-location in Los Angeles in October 2016.
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