Human consciousness is now shining more light upon the planet. Because of this, we are becoming a positive world. This increased light does have its temporary problems. It will bring out the suppressed darkness that was within humans for a long time.
Beloved masters, in order to exist, every living thing must be nourished. Every moment of your existence, with every breath you take, with every thought, emotion, and deed experienced, you are adding to or subtracting from the perfection of your true Self.
Each lifetime, you create a facet or Spark of your Divine I AM Self, and you also create an overlay around your soul in order to experience the drama/lessons you have chosen. However, no matter how deeply you sink into density, you cannot distort, diminish, or deplete your Self in the higher dimensions of creation-it forever remains perfect-but all those things certainly can happen while in a physical body or in a world of material reality.
You have delved deeply into the tantalizing worlds of density and now it is time for the game of duality/polarity to move into a higher octave. It is time for the expressions of duality to return to harmony and to complement and enhance each other instead of being warring fractions that diminish or harm one another.
In the beginning, as you were joyously becoming accustomed to your earthly environment in the higher fourth and lower fifth dimensions, building your cloaks of flesh and learning to manifest things of solid form, the atmosphere around you was filled with the Breath of the Creator. You breathed this rarified life-giving elixir and it was all you needed to sustain you. Gradually, as the aeons passed and you moved further into density, this life-sustaining prana was greatly diminished and it was necessary for you to begin to look for other sustenance.
Let us focus on your emotional nature for a moment, for herein lies your ability to experience love in its many magnificent aspects and variations. Love is the glue and Prime Life Force Energy of Creation. If you feel unworthy or lack the ability to receive and project love, you are denying yourself the gift of life-the most precious gift ever offered by our Creator. In the New Age Creed that we gave you at the beginning of the new century, the first decree was: Love your Father/Mother God with all your Beingness. Love yourself unconditionally as a Divine Spark of the Creator. Love everyone else as you love your self.

S – Seek Clarity of Thought
A – Always be True to Your Inner Guidance
C – Create Only that Which Brings you Joy
R – Reach for the Stars and your Highest Potential
E – Enjoy and Treasure Each Moment to the Fullest
D – Demonstrate and Live your MasteryWhen you belive in lack, limitation, sacrifice, and martyrdom, you are denying your God-Self and your divine heritage.
Old Paradigm
New Paradigm
7. You can have or become anything you can envision.
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1 comment
Please tell me where I can learn more about the Pyramid of Light, the crystal table, and meditations/rituals associated. I am VERY interested in this and would love to have more guidance to the Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension.l