In no particular order, here are the top 40 most enlightening spiritual films and documentaries I’ve come across. These cover the topics of awakening, enlightenment, spirituality or might just explore philosophically empowering messages that reveal the beauty and mystery of the universe. Are there any significant movies we’re missing? Comment with them below.
1. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012)
3. Fight Club (1999)
4. Samsara (2011)
5. Home (2009)
6. Boyhood (2014)
7.The Truman Show (1998)
8. Revolver (2005)
10. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (2003)
11. American Beauty (1999)
12. I Am (2010)
13. Tuning In (2008)
14. Awake: The Life of Yogananda1 (2014)
15. Peaceful Warrior (2006)
16. Groundhog Day (1993)
17. Adaptation. (2002)
18. I Heart Huckabees (2004)
19. The Fountain (2006)
20. Avatar (2009)
21. K-PAX (2001)
22. Happy (2011)
23. I Origins (2014)
24. Dark City (1998)
25. Ram Dass, Fierce Grace (2001)
26. Earthlings (2005)
27. Planetary (2015)
28. The Matrix (1999)
29. Into the Wild (2007)
30. Ashes and Snow (2005)
31. Kymatica (2009)
32. The Reality of Me (TROM) (2011)
33. Surviving Progress (2011)
34. The Dhamma Brothers (2008)
35. The Culture High (2014)
36. Life Is Beautiful (1997)
37. Mr. Nobody (2009)
38. Human (2015)
39. Her (2013)
40. Being John Malkovich (1999)
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I’ve only seen a handful of these, so thank you for posting. I’ll have to add some to my TBW list.
Also, some of my faves are What Dreams May Come, Dogma, and Made In Heaven (1985).
DD you have my late husband’s initials. He passed away last year. We used to have many many conversations about existence and other dimensions…So I wasn’t surprised when, after his passing, I would get little messages from the universe that I know were from him or his energy..Your post being one of them….Why did I read this article when I did? Why did I read the comments? and then the fact that you having his initials and naming two of my favorite movies…Made in Heaven and What Dreams May Come. (which I still haven’t been able to get through since he died) . It’s those little things like this that are comforting, yet heartbreaking at the same time.
Harvey is a great jimmy stewart film that has Taoist underpinnings.
What Dreams May Come(1998) with Robin Williams.
Its one of the best pieces of beautiful visual imagery that I’ve ever seen. Outside of Avatar and a few others. A friend recommended it to me years ago and I’m so glad she did
Cloud Atlas
You’re missing Adam Sandler’s Click
What Dreams May Come
Eat Pray Love
What Dreams May Come
I also want to say What Dreams May Come and Cloud Atlas. Both belong on this list for sure.
Collateral Beauty
The Shack
Eternal Bliss of the Spotless Mind
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Cloud Atlas
Field of Dreams
Why nobody here remembered “Vanilla Sky”? Curious.
I would add “Forest Gump”, dont know why, but it is one of the most enlightening to me, anytime I see it again. The vibes that permeate the movie maybe are the source of its power.
Also “Contact” and “Inception”
You skipped number 9, so you have 39 titles here. Thank you..will watch the ones I can find. Maybe #9 was What Dreams May Come?
I would also add”Knowing” with Nicolas Cage
The Prophet (2014). This may be an animated film, but this hits the mark. ‘-‘)b
Ghost and Mrs. Muir – Gene Tierney
Only adding some, to what hasn’t already been mentioned (some good, some not so much, but what matters most, is the message that changes our limited perspective to a broader one, helping us all work together for a united cause that is good for “everyone”!)… “The Razor’s Edge” both 1946 and 1984 versions… “Circle of Iron” 1978… “The Butterfly Effect”… “Sukhavati” and “The Power of Myth” (both documentaries, inspired by Prof. Joseph Campbell)… “Life of Pi”… “Buck” (about a horse whisperer)… “Final Fantasy, The Spirt is Within” (2002 animated)… “Gandhi”…”Spirit” (animated Disney film about a horse)… “Jumper”… “Forrest Gump”… I’m certain there’s more, just can’t think of them at the moment~! 🙂 Namaste…