Home Health & Wellness Energy Cleansing and Meditation Using the Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air

Energy Cleansing and Meditation Using the Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There is something predominantly primal about cleansing our bodies with the elements.

Given that we are all members of Mother Earth, proper utilization of these four elements helps us reconnect to our roots. However, as opposed to popular belief, one does not need to go up into the mountains to connect with their inner senses. You can do that effortlessly, even while living in a city.

Each of the elements is associated with etheric beings, or elementals. The Slyphs of Air, the Salamanders of Fire, the Undines of Water, and the Gnomes of Earth are the most common names for these etheric beings, known by different cultures.

When meditating, invoke the appropriate elementals to aid in the cleansing process, and ensure to express your gratitude to them once the cleansing is complete.

Keep in mind that you can also use the methods below to cleanse objects. You can use the following cleansing techniques to purify both objects and yourself. It is always important to cleanse new items, such as clothes and jewelry, that will be close to your body.

The Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

Earth: Base or Root Chakra

Stand barefoot on the ground. Imagine there are roots coming from the soles of your feet, going deep down into the earth. Ask the earth to absorb any negative energies from your being and channel them deep into the ground. Plant life has roots in the earth. Hug a tree, or sit against a tree, and allow the tree to be your conduit to take the negative energies from your being into the earth.

Water: Sacral Chakra

Immerse yourself in water, preferably flowing water, as the flow takes away the unwanted energies from your energetic field. While taking a shower, feel the water washing your energy fields clean. Stand in the rain, preferably barefoot on the ground.

Fire: Solar Plexus or Naval Chakra

Make sure your body receives the right amount of sunlight. Light a fire and allow the warmth to radiate through your body. As alchemists have done for generations, use the light and flame from a candle (at an appropriate distance) for meditation; let yourself ‘enter’ the flame and experience purification.

Air: Heart Chakra

On a windy day, allow the air element to blow away any negative energy from your energetic field. Focused breathing techniques bring your full attention to yourself and the air element. Work with feathers to utilize the air element, and use the direction of the feather to move the air over yourself or an object.

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