What are five signs that you can look for that will let you know that you’ve met your twin flame or soulmate and that the relationship in front of you is of importance in your life, as in karmic or destined to happen?
1. You both feel a strong connection.
Since the day that you met, you’ve felt a strong connection to this person—and to you.
Whether your twin flame relationship is platonic, familial, or romantic, there’s a connection that far surpasses the bond in your other relationships. You both share a deep and obvious concern for each other.
2. You stay close to each other through your whole life.
Some people come into our lives for a lifetime, some for a season, and some for a day.
We usually let most of them come and go without notice, but this relationship is different. In this bond, you feel attached to one another, often quite suddenly and inexplicably.
You stay close to each other, communicating and interacting on a regular basis, as well as visiting and spending time together whenever possible. Very quickly, this relationship rises to the top, if not the most important, in your life.
3. You don’t have enough history to explain your attachment.
If you’ve been in a long-term committed bond, you’ll know that history really does add enormous value and worth to a relationship, and that shared experience often explains the connection and attachment we feel towards the other party.
In a twin flame, soulmate, or karmic bond, however, you’ll have this level of connection, but without the past history, memories, and shared experiences that validate a bond of that intensity.
Even though the bond brings you closer, the lack of experience and history drives you apart because you assume your new partner is on your level.
This is one of the key aspects that drive young twin flame bonds into the ground. The lack of history can also serve to make one of the partners feel suffocated, clingy, and possessive—another common young twin flame experience.
4. The issues seem much bigger than they should be.
If you’ve been in a relationship for any duration, you’ll know that issues escalate over time, for the most part.
At first, you may be able to forgive and move past an incident, but after the second, third, fifth, or twentieth instance, you begin to lose your composure and shed your protective layers.
Don’t be surprised if you see this happening quickly in your twin flame or soulmate bond, either.
Even though you don’t consciously remember the events from past lives that have played out between you, you still carry that energy within your system.
As a result, you’re blowing up and feeling like this has happened to you all your life, even though you only met last week or last month. Indeed, it did occur, albeit not in your current life.
Energy embodies emotion, which is the primary reason you experience it.
Nature’s mechanism perceives any energy movements in your body as emotions until you learn to distinguish between the various flows.
5. You have unresolved emotions you can’t explain.
Speaking of intense emotions, they can also unexpectedly surface due to the lingering energy of memories that have brought you together karmically during this time.
You may feel overwhelming love or emotions that you’ve never felt before, like jealousy, possessiveness, envy, or fear that your partner is cheating.
1 comment
This is truth as to my experience and having had Past Life Regressions.
I also offer PLR for those interested and am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Hypnotherapist.