Home Consciousness The Spiritual Shift — Do You Feel It?

The Spiritual Shift — Do You Feel It?

by consciousreminder
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by Ora Nadrich

There’s a shift happening in humanity, a shift in consciousness, happening now because it has to happen now. — Eckhart Tolle

There’s a spiritual shift going on, and if you haven’t felt it yet, you most likely will, unless you don’t want to, and if that’s the case, you’re going to notice a lot of interesting changes happening on the planet that will let you know that the shift is occurring. But, here’s the thing, once you notice these interesting changes, the shift will happen to you too because you’ll suddenly be aware of it, and that’s what it takes — awareness.

That may sound strange or confusing to you, but that’s kind of how it works. You don’t notice something until you do, and once that happens, you see things differently than you did before. Well, that’s pretty much what the spiritual shift does — it changes the way you see the world, people, your life, and everything else under the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Now, if you haven’t felt the spiritual shift yet, and want to know what it is in a nutshell, and don’t care if I spoil it for you, here it is — “oneness.” That’s right, it’s about the “quality or state of being one,” and what that means is that we are all connected. You might be thinking, “Is that it?” or “Wow, that’s so cool!” or “Ah, so that’s what The Beatles were saying in their song, ‘I Am The Walrus’ — ‘I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.’” (For those of you who don’t know it, look it up.)

I think The Beatles were on to this way before it got popular. Popular? That happens to be true. The spiritual shift is actually becoming very desirable for many people so if you want in on it, here’s what you need to do:

1. Tell yourself you’re ready for the spiritual shift.
2. Be in the present by focusing on what you’re doing in the moment.
3. Look people in the eye when they’re talking to you and listen.
4. Use your words carefully before speaking.
5. Treat everyone around you as an equal, or as Buddha said “Consider others as yourself.”
6. Love unconditionally.
7. Don’t be judgmental.
8. Be kind.
9. Be forgiving.
10. Be generous.
11. Consider everyone on the planet your spiritual family.

The spiritual shift is alive and well, and wants you to be a part of it, and since you are a part of the “collective consciousness,” which means that “all of our beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes operate as a unifying force within society” then everything you think or believe makes a difference and contributes to the spiritual shift that is happening.

Remember, we are all connected, including the walrus.

About the Author: Ora Nadrich is a certified Life Coach with a private practice in West Los Angeles, CA. Her unique, practical method helps her clients attain happiness and fulfillment by teaching them to look inward and connect to their authentic selves in order to reach their goals. Ora is also a writer, speaker and facilitator of a popular women’s group focusing on inner awareness and a constructive, alternative approach to dealing with life’s challenges. She is also a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. A book detailing her method will be available in 2015. In the meantime, to learn more about Ora and read her previous blogs, visit http://www.oralifecoach.com

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