Actions say more than words. But unfortunately, it is only words and an inflated, grandiose sense of their ‘own selves’ that one ever obtains while in a relationship with a narcissist.
While they are perfectly gratified with a liaison with their empathetic partners, the same cannot be said for the other, who is ensnared with a high-minded persona so alien to their own that they are rendered hapless.
Pride and Prejudice
The need to defend themselves compels the narcissist constantly, making them feel entitled to the praise they receive from their sympathetic better halves.
Empaths, owning to their compassionate attribute of nature, perceive this as childish cajoling—a much-needed boost of assurance from their beloved.
But little do they comprehend that this lack of finer sensibilities in reality is the insatiable hunger for admiration, earned at the cost of lauding and through criticism of others by looking down upon them.
Narcissists themselves are wary of such behavior and believe that they warrant devotion because of their infallibility.
It is like Drax and Mantis, where he introduces her as a “gross bug lady” friend who is hideous-looking, and all she says is that she is “certainly grateful to be ugly.”
The empath’s diligent “keeping up with Narcissus” is mostly undermined and ignored, thus leaving him feeling caged in an endless charade of one-sided appreciation.
Empaths are exploited as a do-gooder emotional sponge, intentionally mistaken by the narcissist as an ardent fan.
Tis A Waste
In Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, Alvy Singer candidly articulates that relationships are like sharks that have to constantly move forward in order to thrive. However, a relationship filled with such extremes is bound to fail.
This trauma bonding, where one pulls and the other pushes too deep, is an emotional suicide for the empath; deep diving into the frozen lakes of a narcissist’s abyss of aloofness will only result in drowning.
Thus, concluding such a relationship is not a loss but rather a positive step towards self-healing.
If you are in a relationship like this, then my friend, a dead shark, is over and emotionally exhausted you.
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