Home Parapsychology Are You A Good Ghost Or A Bad Ghost? How To Keep Helpful Household Entities While Banishing The Troublesome

Are You A Good Ghost Or A Bad Ghost? How To Keep Helpful Household Entities While Banishing The Troublesome

by consciousreminder
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By Michelle Maxwell
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Let’s face it, sensing an uninvited presence in one’s home is never a pleasant revelation. We invest a great deal in our homes–financially, personally, and even spiritually – so it’s a bit of an unpleasant surprise to find an additional “guest” at our table.

However, many spectral entities leave remnants of themselves in the world of the living, and more often than not are no cause for concern. Some even provide protection and assistance when we least expect it!

The flip-side, however, is that there are indeed malevolent entities that can take up residence in one’s home and cause a great deal of annoyance, if not pain and outright misfortune. At first it can be hard to differentiate between the two, as it often takes awhile for spectral evidence to mount. Misplaced personal items, broken appliances, and bothersome noises may seem innocent enough or go undetected for weeks or even months before proving otherwise.

So how can you know if your ghostly tenant is worth keeping around or evicting? For starters, pay attention to the signs. Not all entities leave overt evidence of their presence, but you can usually detect subtleties: cold spots in various parts of the house/apartment, the feeling of being watched, and little shifts in the placement of household objects. Pets will often act agitated or avoid going into certain spaces, while some will growl or bark at a pointed spot when seemingly nothing is there.

Conversely, the manifestations may be more severe. You or members of your household may start getting sick for no apparent reason, or become ill-tempered. Appliances may break down and, in extreme instances, objects may be thrown about or smashed. An overall feeling of doom may linger over the place, evoking feelings of fear and despair.

Once you’ve assessed the evidence, you can decide what steps to take from there. If you are fortunate enough to sense that the presence in your home is innocuous enough–if not benevolent–then you needn’t do much to appease them. Simply going about your business and allowing them to go about theirs is usually enough. If you want to make an “official” gesture of acknowledgement and welcome, you can set out fresh flowers or keep a votive candle lit in a part of the home where the spirit is most often felt. If there are particular offerings you feel the presence would like, by all means leave them out as well. Less-is-more gestures are generally preferred by elementals, as excessive attention can disrupt their natural vibrations.

If you feel your household entity is of a more malicious sort, then you will need to take the necessary precautions as soon as possible. Please note: if these steps do not take effect within a week or so, a professional may need to be consulted. Certain energies can be extremely dangerous, and only experienced and reputable practitioners should be called upon to deal with them. If you feel your efforts are not proving successful then do not put your safety at risk!

That said, even less pleasant entities can often be dealt with by employing a few simple DIY measures. Before you do anything else, it is crucial to purify or “smudge” your space. Using sage or palo santo, go from room to room at least once a day and thoroughly seal the windows, corners, and doorways with the smoke. This will immediately cleanse the space and drive away unpleasant energies. You may need to do this as often as it takes before the presence recedes completely.

Crystal gridding has also been proven effective in ridding a home of unwanted energies, as well as barricading against future assaults. There is a wealth of information available on crystal gridding, and it’s advisable to check online or at your local bookstore to find the best selection and layout for your situation. Black tourmaline, smokey quartz, selenite, and amethyst are among the most popular stones used for protection and reinforcement.

A more labor-intensive endeavor may involve doing some research on your home. While certain entities can attach themselves to individuals, following them wherever they go, others are bound to a specific place for a specific reason. If you live in a home with a researchable history, it may be worth your while to see what you uncover. This will also prove beneficial for any professionals you seek the assistance of.

What you absolutely SHOULD NOT do in the circumstances listed above is attempt to use any occult items in which you have no experience or understanding of. Real psychics devote decades to implementing these tools in their work, and a troubling number of cases have been reported where amateur misuse resulted in permanently disastrous results.

Ultimately, your intuition is your best tool when determining the nature of a spiritual presence in your home.

Our fears and imaginations can and do play tricks on us, and often turmoil in one’s personal life can impose itself on the places inhabited most intimately. Try to approach your situation with honesty and a sound mind, and once again, do not hesitate to call in a professional if you feel you are in over your head.

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