Home Spirituality Use The Energy Of The Gemini Full Moon With This Powerful Full Moon Ritual

Use The Energy Of The Gemini Full Moon With This Powerful Full Moon Ritual

by consciousreminder
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The Full Moon falling in the sign of Gemini on the 23rd and 24th of November will help us in shading some light, as well as bringing clarity to situations which were probably in the darkness for a while.

Such clarity will expand some possibilities surrounding us, as well as open our mind. During this period, we will see some windows of chances around us.

Here, we have a ritual which is created to aid us in opening ourselves up to all the energies of this period, so that we can find our truth, as well as pass the obstacles which hold us back.

How to find your truth with the ritual for this period?

You can do this ritual anytime you want, but the best will be between the 22nd of November and the 5th of December.

Needed things for the ritual:

  • Herbal tea – licorice or sage are the teas which are traditionally connected with seeing a truth; however, you can choose whatever you want;
  • Hot water, spoon, and a cup;
  • Smudging utensils of your choice;
  • Paper and pen, as well as a timer.

How to perform the ritual:

1. You should start with smudging the aura and your surroundings. While you are smudging the aura, you should recite this:

“I cleanse my light body, so it is young and free. I cleanse my emotional body, so it is clear and free of any densities that are no longer mine to carry. I cleanse my physical body, so it is vibrant and healthy. I cleanse my entire being. I am cleansed through and through. I am now light. I am now aligned. I am now ready to see the truth.”

While you are smudging the surroundings, as well as the spiritual spaces around you, you should also recite this:

“I purify my home of all heavy energies. I sweep away any energy that is harsh or heavy and allow only energy that is light and loving. I clear space for the new to enter. I clear space for seeing the truth. I cleanse away the past and welcome in the future. My home is now infused with light and loving energy. My home is now infused with light and loving energy.”

2. Chose a quiet place for the ritual, where no one can disturb you. Prepare your tea as the directions say and then bring it in this place too. Take the spoon, paper, and pen, as well as the timer with you.

3. Chose a comfortable sitting position, as well as hold the teacup with your hands. Then, close the eyes, as well as feel all the warmth coming from the teacup as it travels through the arms and whole body. You should take only seven deep breaths in order to relax.

4. After that, you should take the spoon and start stirring the tea gently. As you are stirring it, you should watch that whirlpool which will form. Gaze into it, as well as recite this:

“It is safe for me to see the truth. It is safe for me to break down the walls and see the truth. I am strong. I am protected. I am ready to see the truth. I am ready to be shown the path.”

At that moment, you can also recite something which came on your mind.

5. Then, stop with the stirring and look in the cup. Notice if there are some images, feelings or thoughts which are there for you.

6. Repeat some of the affirmations from below, before you take each sip:

“I open myself to the truth.”

“I know the truth will set me free.”

“I trust what the Universe has in store for me.”

“I open my heart to the power that is within.”

“I release the past.”

“Now all that is before me are new possibilities.”

Remember to take a sip after each affirmation.

7. Place one hand over the heart, keep your eyes closed and welcome the power and light which resides in you. Also, feel the tea’s warmth and power as it moves throughout the body, as well as on the words which you said.

8. Then, put the tea aside, and take the paper, pen and the timer. At the beginning of the page, you should write this:

“These are the blocks in my life that hold me back and keep me paying small…”

Then, set the timer for about 15 to 30 minutes and start writing everything which will come on your mind.

9. Also, at the beginning of the page you should write:

“These are the most loving things I can do for myself right now to help me make positive changes…”

Once again, you should set your timer for about 15 to 30 minutes and start writing everything which will come on your mind. Do not over think.

10. Reflect on the writing and see what you thought about, and what you feel right now. No matter what it was, feel comfortable. Put the hand on the heart and then take 11 breaths, repeating the mantra:

“I am safe, I am protected, I am loved.”

11. Take a look at the loving and interesting changes which came to you while you were writing. Make this a priority in your everyday routine.

12. Also, finish what is left of the tea, or simply discard it. You should not share it with someone else.

13. The days after the ritual, pay better attention to the dreams or signs, as well as clues which Universe sends you, because a specific area in your life can receive new illuminations, or some truth can also come in front of you.

Source: Forever Conscious 

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