Home Spirituality The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Yoga

The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Yoga

by consciousreminder
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by Bipin Baloni,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Summary: Acquainting the readers with 7 spiritual laws of yoga that have been a part of this science from the Vedic era.

The 5000-year old Vedic wisdom of Yoga is the science of union. With its seven spiritual laws of yoga, it leads to the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. The seven spiritual laws of yoga blend meditation, pranayama, asana, and philosophy to bring more alignment and spiritual elevation in one’s life.

When you learn, understand, and implement these seven principles of spirituality in your yoga practice, then you embark on the journey of life that is mindful in all aspects.

Here are in detail the seven spiritual laws of yoga:

1. Law Of Pure Potentiality: This law states that every creature on this soil harbors pure consciousness. And, as an inextricable part of this true nature, everyone is infinitely creative and unbound. The purpose is to believe in one’s potential and to become aware of the essential nature, the consciousness, which is the source of infinite possibilities. With the practice of yoga and meditation, one can possess a heightened awareness of the self and the surroundings.

  • Padadhirasana (Breath-Balancing Pose): This is the pose of a law of pure potentiality because it balances the Ida and Pingala Nadi. When the energy channels are balanced, your mind and senses draw inwards into the more subtle realms, where unlimited possibilities exist.

2. Law Of Giving and Receiving: We, as humans, desire for feelings of love, compassion, and care. The second law expresses the act of sharing good energy in order to receive the same. It states that sharing and receiving are different expressions of the same flow. You will feel the warmth of others only when you are willing to reciprocate it to others in the same manner. The law of giving and receiving is all about understanding the natural flow of elements that circulate in our lives.

  • Cat-Cow Pose (Marjayasana-Bitilasana): In the cat-cow pose, you flow from one posture to another with the help of a breath. This transition allows you to develop a connection with the flow and encourages you to maintain rhythm through the act of giving and receiving.

3. Law Of Karma (Cause and Effect): The Law of Karma states that your deeds and thought have an influence over your future. When your actions bring happiness to others, you will experience success and contentment in the future. Therefore, this spiritual law encourages people to become aware of one’s intentions and choices made. Good work yields positive results and vice-versa.

  • Tadasana ( Mountain Pose): Practice Tadasana to understand the law of Karma. In the Tadasana, as you bring your awareness on how to place your feet, the stance to manifest, etc. you not only reap the benefits of the posture but also you create a sense of making informed choices in life.

4. Law Of Least Effort: Under this law, you can most effortlessly achieve your desires, if your actions are motivated by love. When your actions are derived from love, positiveness, you require fewer efforts to realize your goal. The more you put up a fight to attain a goal, the deeper your problems get. This law is the advocate of taking the first step with optimism and the world shall inspire and support you in your mission.

  • Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana): Plank posture is the yoga asana that requires attention and effort. In the pose, allowing the nature to work and holding the posture without strain is about trusting the incredible work of the universe.

5. Law Of Intention and Desire: Intentions are inherent to every human being. Also, every human being wants that its intentions and desires are fulfilled. The law encourages you to have faith in your potential and to return back to your intentions every time because this keeps you in the present moment and helps you achieve your desires.

  • Warrior III (Virabhadrasana): In the Virabhadrasana III, observe if your mind wanders from the intention, do you struggle to maintain the posture, etc. If so, focus on breathing, and it will connect you to your intention..

6. Law Of Detachment: The law of detachment is about letting things happen and not to worry about the results. Follow your heart and passion without being attached to the outcomes. Be patient, learn things along the path and let opportunities emerge spontaneously.

  • Intense Side Stretch Pose (Parvottanasana): If you become concerned about the end result of practicing this posture, you may round your spine, take shallow breaths that leads to injury. Flowing naturally through the pose, without being concerned, focusing on the breath allows you to connect with yourself and present moment.

7. Law Of Dharma: Here, Dharma means purpose. We all have a purpose in life to fulfill. Using your own unique qualities to serve the world around is the highest purpose of life, which brings boundless love and true fulfillment.

  • Eye of The Needle Pose: This pose offers opportunities to sit still and introspect your own qualities and how you can put them to use for the betterment of others.

With these 7 spiritual laws of yoga, let your life be in harmony with the cosmos.

About the Author: Bipin Baloni is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Yoga Teacher Training In India. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. Website: https://www.rishikulyogshala.org/

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