Home Consciousness Never Say These 8 Things To Someone Battling Anxiety. #3 Is Very Common

Never Say These 8 Things To Someone Battling Anxiety. #3 Is Very Common

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Every one of us experiences anxiety sometimes, mainly before some big test or first date. However, the so-called social anxiety in people is an entirely different thing; there are several things which people can say to those that are anxious and such things may truly hurt them.

There are people that have extreme levels of anxiety which prevents them from performing their everyday activities. However, the social type of anxiety is something bad to experience, usually being harder for treating it completely.

The generalized anxiety disorder should not exist at all; it usually appears because of emotional neglects which make people that are suffering from this problem to accept it, and think of it as being something normal.

Here are the eight things you should never say to people who suffer from anxiety disorder:

1. You should be thankful for many things.

Nowadays, every one of us has many things to be thankful for. Those people suffering from anxiety do not feel dissatisfied with life’s external forces, but with the internal ones. They are not unthankful, so telling this will make them feel in that way. This is going to make them even more afraid when they should ask for help from people who think that they are ungrateful and spoiled. You should tell your appreciation for them.

2. You should never use the word “should.”

Sometimes, this term will be a bad one for every one of us, as it describes a thing which is not there. So, because of this, you should never tell people with anxiety that they should do something, or how they should feel or think. Instead, you can ask them what makes them feel good.

3. Everything is going to be alright.

These words are the worst and most generic ones which someone cay say. Saying that everything is going to be alright is not going to make someone feel better and solve the problem. Instead, it is the lazy consultation which will make them feel as nobody understands them. You should tell them not to worry or that you will always be therefore them, for example.

4. Be happy.

Every one of us tries hard to feel happiness, and it only takes more power or better focus. When it comes to pursuing happiness, anxiety will be our most challenging obstacle. Anxiety will make it even more complicated. However, to feel happy, a person needs to study how he or she can manage the symptoms of anxiety.

5. What do you have to be anxious about?

Perhaps, this is the worst question you can ask an anxious person, as it will minimize his or her issues. No person wants to feel like that. Instead, you can ask him or her something else, so you will make them more relaxed.

6. It is everything in your own head.

Saying that anxiety is the psychological problem which happens in our heads will make them feel trapped in the illness. You are not supposed to tell them that they are actually stupid as they feel that way, but ask them about something you may do in order to have fun.

7.   People have bigger problems than yours.

Comparing his or her problems with the problems of someone else is entirely wrong. Regardless of how upset they are, they are never supposed to feel that their problems don’t matter as others experience worse things. It does not matter what happens, but how it actually makes them feel.

8. Don’t feel bad for your own self.

There are people who are usually said to be self-pitying and seeking sympathy. Remember that asking for help or telling other people that something is not right with you are completely okay. You are never supposed to persecute a person to admit he or she is not okay. Sometimes, it is entirely right not to feel okay.

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