Home Consciousness March Horoscopes: All The Signs Are Up For A Whole Lot Of Changes

March Horoscopes: All The Signs Are Up For A Whole Lot Of Changes

by consciousreminder
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ARIES (March 20 – April 19)

Your ability to take the lead and push through obstacles is thwarted this month by numerous responsibilities. This can cause frustration and irritability. For you, the march 2019 begins with one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas pedal. By the Spring Equinox, all stops are resolved and you can exuberantly express your passion to manifest a new reality.

However, be aware of important communications taking place three days on either side of the Full Moon. Call upon the power of patience, and you will have a clearer and stronger stance by March 29-30 2019. The spontaneous, individualistic and courageous side of your nature is needed by those around you. You lead through example.

TAURUS (April 19 – May 20)

You like to be comfortable, and this dynamic trend of transformation may unsettle your senses. Cultivate present moment awareness, and you can be a strong anchor in the winds of change. There is a focus on career this month. New projects may be in the visionary stages.

You are given the blueprint, the big picture, for long term projects. Your talent to build, stabilize and beautify will be called upon as the year unfolds. Run all projects through your practical side.

Communication with family members takes on a new light – it is essential to be honest and resist the temptation to save people from their own dreams. The desire for peace can easily turn to keeping other people happy to the exclusion of yourself. Know that your natural common sense acts as a grounding force for your many friends.

GEMINI (May 20 – June 21)

Finances may be an area of delay and frustration, but you are in a position to resolve these issues as the month unfolds. Your easy-going and personable style can go a long way in career developments. Exciting possibilities in this area can be tapped through your strong communication skills.

Slowing down to connect with another person’s perspective brings out new direction for both of you. A unique, fun getaway can restore your nerves and rejuvenate your senses.

Stresses of recent months fade away, but it is still essential to stay grounded amongst the many people and activities you are involved in.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

You are in the home stretch of a two year challenge. Don’t quit! Assess your direction, implement decisions and find solace in contemplation. Especially curb frustration March 6 -9 2019. Release what is not worth keeping. Yes, the Sun will come out from behind that dark cloud by the mid-Summer.

Use the New Moon on March 10 2019 to activate your strong intuitive skills, and plant new seeds of creation. Your hard work in providing security for others will pay off in the long run. Exotic vacations in foreign lands live in your dreams this month. A brief respite or life long goals, investigate what stirs in your soul.

LEO (July 22 – August 22)

Your relationships are up for healing this month of march 2019 Leo. Your ability to take charge is hampered by hidden motives. Valuable insight comes as a result of looking beneath the surface of things. You are in a better position to determine the truth. Remember, “All that glitters is not gold.”

Listen, truly listen, to the heart of another, and your lion-hearted nature will light the way for others to be more of who they are. The work area needs some organization, and you are up for the task at hand. Your focus this month is on work, relationships and resources shared with others.

VIRGO (August 22 – September 22)

Your no nonsense approach to life is thrown for a loop. People come out of nowhere, requesting your services, and diverting attention to their needs. The 2019 march horoscope predicts that although this month of march 2019 is a balancing act for you, there is much to learn and receive in the reflection of another’s life.

There is a tendency to over-commit, and work may stand in the way of social engagements. Keeping all in perspective, this month takes you out of the doldrums into a larger range of activity. It is possible to develop alliances of appreciation, respect and support. May your tendency to pick things apart be a healthy discernment of life direction in balance with your relationships.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 23)

You are running in different directions this month trying to keep your world in balance. If you only focus on keeping other’s happy, you may miss the gifts of personal growth. This year brings benefit in new contacts and alliances. Your natural social grace is enhanced in work and play.

Developments in the work arena are new and exciting. It is important to know where you really stand. Honesty begins with self. Give yourself a break, and fuel heartfelt dreams. The home front calls for your attention. You intuitively know a house only becomes a home when mutual respect reigns.

Deepen your roots, and everyone benefits from your fair and equitable point of view. Developments in the work arena are exciting and new.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)

Your home brings great comfort this month. Creative juices are flowing. Children benefit from your deep sensitivity and intuition. This is the month to dream, play and explore your capacity for intimacy. Holding onto resentment does not get you where you want to go.

Stagnation gives way to movement and relief. Important communications take place. Remember to tell the truth with integrity and compassion. The waters of your nature run deep, and this final phase of winter completes purification. This leads to greater emotional and mental well-being. Your intuition and gut felt hunches are clearer, and more reliable as the month unfolds.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Your gypsy days are over, at least until Spring Equinox. Problems revealed November – January 2018 are finally resolving.

Reflexing back into repetitive and habitual behavior leads nowhere. The powerful trend of transformation is re-making you from the inside out. Truly, you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take some time to retreat into the inner sanctuary of your spiritual home. Revelation, healing and understanding are to be found within.

Sag, remind yourself daily that this is a new year with new promise and possibility. Only then can you turn around and inspire others with enthusiasm and vision.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 21)

Everyone deserves a break now and then. The only problem, Capricorn, is you may continue to run the treadmill.

If so, you can miss the opportunity for sweet reflection that leads to a new view of your life path. Avoid the temptation to be negative during the first ten days of March 2019. Know there is a deep river of creativity within you. Ideas flow like water, and nourish the seeds of new projects.

The 2019 march horoscope says that when you take a time out to release expectations, you can revise goals with greater clarity. While you are usually the practical one, your life path benefits from sharing responsibility. This lightens your load, and frees your attention for a new lease on life.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)

You are on a roll Aquarius. Despite conservative trends, you are in the right place at the right time. Trust your vision for a humane future. Your global perspective is enhanced by strong intuitive energies. But, resist the temptation to save others. Peace really does begin with you.

Genuinely love yourself, and you are free to sow seeds of compassion in your world. You are called to develop financial security in miraculous ways. While the area of financial improvement is strong, you can benefit from a second opinion. Please be sure to run ideas by someone that is grounded in practical affairs.

Manifestation is a co-creative process, and you are in a perfect position to learn new ways of being in the world. Watch the trends, catch the wave, and freedom is yours.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Happy Birthday Pisces! With Uranus in your Sun Sign for the next seven years, creative juices are flowing. March is the month to recognize your dreams and let them unfold in new directions. Be on your toes, and open to positive surprises. Universal guidance is very strong, and at your fingertips.

In order to receive, activate your Divine gift of receptivity. This is the month to illuminate ideals, hold them to your heart, and don’t let present reality get you down. Magic is in the air, and because you believe, miracles happen. While you have spent plenty of time playing the victim game, you are waking up to a new life. Everyday, remember that complaining will get you nowhere. There is a new world ready to be born through your vision!

The current buzzword ‘intention’ speaks to you. Pisces, march is your month to embrace the full ramifications of this potent concept. The wind is finally at your back lending a new freedom in being exactly as you are.

Via yearly horoscope

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