Home Consciousness How A Hobby Can Boost Your Motivation

How A Hobby Can Boost Your Motivation

by consciousreminder
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by Andrew Guerra
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Anything can be a hobby as long as you are in control of what you are doing to be able to immerse yourself in what you truly enjoy doing without others dictating.

Creativity is one of the best life-enhancers, giving us a feeling of worth, satisfaction, and motivation. A hobby expands our capabilities, it gives us freedom.

What Motivates People to Struggle for Change?

There is a great number of factors that can motivate people to struggle for change, but the most frequent of them is having a more quality life.

Such extreme emotions as love, fear, loss, need, a painful existence, etc. overwhelm many people and motivates them to change.

The activity such as hobby makes our mind focused on something other than an extreme emotion. A hobby can be your reminder that regardless of the struggles in our lives, we always have a spark that can brighten our days.

Things That Motivate You in Life

Many people might say that such motivators as money, material goods, fame, etc. lead to change. These are all valid motivators, which are generally considered extrinsic.

However, there are stronger motivators, which are coming from within. They are guides in seeking a sense of well-being and happiness. It becomes what motivates people to change.

Some of these intrinsic motivators include having a sense of purpose or finding meaning in our lives, feeling trust in ourselves and others, feeling secure, growing in knowledge and skills, feeling satisfied with our performance and capabilities and also feeling appreciated. Intrinsic motivators lead individuals to feel satisfaction in all aspects of their lives.

A hobby can be a powerful motivator as it helps people make friends, it makes them more confident personalities, and it eventually leads them to inner harmony.

How to Find Your Hobby?

A hobby gives us a chance to open up to the world. Meet new people, see new places, learn new things, and become braver.

Here are some tips for finding an interest that fits your personality:

•Look at your past

If you don’t know where to begin, think back to what you loved doing as a kid. Chances are, you still have a lot of those same core interests.

Drawing attention

It might be useful to hit the crafts store, the sporting goods store or the nearest music emporium or book store. Browse around and see what captures your attention.

Start trying things and see what sticks

Think of anything you might find interesting – whether that’s dancing, knitting, or yoga – and take a class. If you like it, great! If not, cross it off the list and move on to the next potentially interesting thing.

Motivation and Hobby

A hobby can be an effective motivational tool. As well as reducing a person’s stress levels and boosting their overall health and wellbeing, having a favorite activity might help people perform better at work.

The research showed that those who engaged in a creative hobby performed better at work. There are several possible explanations for why this might be so.

Taking time to indulge in your favorite creative pursuit might help you recharge before heading back to work, or could also be a means to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses, the knowledge that will benefit you professionally as well.

Those who engaged in a hobby also reported greater feelings of control and mastery.

So, a hobby helps us transfer the enthusiasm to every other activity we undertake. The feeling of fullness covers us and thus motivates towards new goals.

art credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/BubMxmfDX5X/ 

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