Home Consciousness The Impulsive Aries New Moon On April 5th Will Help You Seize The Moment

The Impulsive Aries New Moon On April 5th Will Help You Seize The Moment

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There is a New Moon that will take place on 5th April at 15 degrees Aries decan 2. The New Moon will be aligned with a fixed star called Alpheratz.

Plus, it will be trining Ceres, while Pluto and Saturn come together at the South Node at Capricorn.

The New Moon in Aries decan 2 does not bring any kind of significant dignity and it will be going against popular culture. Unlike sticking to the traditional nurturer status, the New Moon in Aries will be more of a warrior.

It will make us more independent rather than needy. The family might seem like a prison from which you have to break out and you need to keep yourself active too. You have to use this time to develop your roots.

The Moon will be coming in alignment with Alpheratz which improves the vibes of the Moon in Aries. It will make you honorable and wealthy and bring about a major energy surge in you that will help you take actions which will be contrary to your culture.

Alpheratz happens to the largest star in this decan as well. It belongs to a royal group and is in the head of Princess Andromeda. The star is also related to Pegasus’ wing – so it symbolizes flight and escape.

The name means horse’s naval in Arabic. That’s because it almost seems like the severing of an umbilical cord. But it gives us riches, independence, and freedom.

About Princess Andromeda

Princess Andromeda had been tied to a rock by Cepheus, her father, to appease Neptune and rescue his own kingdom. However, if Perseus saved the Princess, then, he could marry her. Andromeda, thus, was a damsel in distress.

That’s why, when Alpharetz is with the Sun, many suggest that people can be easily broken down. But this time, due to the presence of Aries, the position is quite strong. Any force that tries to topple it down will have to meet a stronger force too.

New Moon Will Trine Ceres

The New Moon will be trining Ceres. This will be a fortunate alignment and it gives us the courage to bounce from tragedy to reality. However, you have to remember that fortune is something that does not stay fixed.

So, you have to be wise and able enough to know and see the positive parts of life, even if your fortune puts you in your darkest phase. Find the shaft of light in the dark forest. You can always keep a sense of humor about you to keep yourself positive during this phase. This is also a very sensuous period.

You will have an appreciation for high art and develop a good taste in whatever you do. There’s a chance that you’ll get indulgent and start loving a bit of a luxurious life. With luxury in your hand, you can also enter into charity.

When the Moon will trine Ceres, you will start indulging in history and start getting a bit nostalgic about the past. You know that history affects the present and the future and so, you will read more about it and connect it with the present occurring in the world.

Pluto and Saturn will be about 3 degrees apart from one another but you will slowly feel the energy passing through you. The energy will resemble that of an eclipse. That’s what we are going to have on 16 July at 2 degrees in Capricorn.


There are a lot of contradictions when it comes to the New Moon that is happening in Aries. Due to its trine with Ceres, people will get fascinated with history and how they came about in this world.

The Andromeda myth fits properly along with these kinds of contradictory factors. This is the moment when we look past us into the distant future by developing on certain things from the past.

It’s about understanding history and finding out if history is repeating itself or not. Andromeda’s story shows us that family ties are important too, but behavioral patterns can keep us chained. Since the New Moon is arriving after the equinox, it will be the best time to start over with a fresh mind and courage.

While contradictory in nature, the New Moon will have a major effect on all of us. So be prepared to be a warrior and agent of change during this New Moon.

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