Home Parapsychology Are Empaths Able To Feel Spirits As Well?

Are Empaths Able To Feel Spirits As Well?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In personal and social interactions, people usually don’t empathize with other individuals.

However, empaths possess the innate abilities to feel everything more intensely and profoundly than other people.

How is empathy defined?

Empathy is the capacity to put yourself in another individual’s mindset without losing the sense of your own uniqueness and individuality. Moreover, it involves the capacity to induct every thought and feeling of others.

Literally said, empaths are able to absorb the energy and emotions of other people. When an empath sees that someone cries, he or she would probably cry too, and when he or she spends time with someone that exhibits painful emotions, such as nausea, headache, anxiety or stomachache, he or she will undergo the same physical discomfort and symptoms too.

An empath can experience the same things that the affected individual does, with the same intensity too. Generally said, people have the ability to feel other people’s emotions, especially of those with whom they are closely connected; however, empaths are able to feel the energies of those around them. That’s why they sometimes feel drained when they are in some overly crowded areas. 

When empaths do not create boundaries, such overwhelming emotions may escalate, causing mental breakdowns, or some other psychological problems, such as anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and depressive disorder.

Clairsentience empaths

Clairsentience means an empathy form which is more highly developed and evolved. Surpassing your five organs for sense, energy-sensitive people for different spiritual realms, possess higher perception levels.

Are empaths able to feel spirits?

While empaths are able to feel other people’s energies, clairsentients are able to sense spirits’ energies everywhere around them. Those that are gifted with clairsentience are also highly psychic, and despite feeling the emotions, they can even get some spiritual insights considering the emotion.

Their gut instincts are highly developed, and their senses are heightened, giving them the ability to sense subtle energies around them, mostly of some inanimate objects. They even have premonitions about future situations and events.

Many empaths could also be clairsentients, although most of them aren’t aware of such ability. When empaths learn how to draw limits and work more on enhancing their abilities to sense, they will be able to uncover this clairsentience gift which is hidden inside them.

Empathy is definitely a blessing

When empaths learn how to protect their energies and draw powerful limits, they can also prevent themselves from draining, or even from absorbing some overwhelming emotions, uncovering their hidden gifts and talents of intuition, healing, and psychic abilities.

For those of us that are empaths and would like to unleash our hidden talents entirely, these are the powerful exercises we should follow:

Maintain a journal or diary in order to record important changes in our emotions or moods. Write down people, situations, or places which negatively affect our mood. In this way, we would have the ability to make a difference between our emotions and the overwhelming emotions of others we have absorbed.

When we find some patterns of places, situations, or people that affect our mood negatively, we should create our boundaries and also limit our time around such situations, as in that way we would not drain ourselves unnecessarily.

We should use mindfulness techniques such as meditation, grounding techniques, or imagery, in order to anchor ourselves; we should keep ourselves rejuvenated after our emotions are drained.

In order to raise our vibration, we can set our intention, so that rather than affecting us, we could convert the energy around us into compassion and affection.

For empaths, it is essential always to be conscious of their body sensations and emotions, so that they can learn how to separate such things from the overwhelming emotions of others.

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