Home Spirituality An Easy Ritual For The August’s Aquarius Full Moon

An Easy Ritual For The August’s Aquarius Full Moon

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

This isn’t for us to perform any elaborate, complicated rites. Now that we’ve crossed the Lionsgate Portal and there’s one more New Moon to look forward to before moving into September, something complex is just asking for exhaustion.

For this upcoming Full Moon, let’s just keep it easy and relaxed so that we get to assimilate the energies and work through them.

There’s not going to be a release or a purge or any charging of the Chakras. Let us just take this time to pay our respects to the healing powers of the Full Moon in Aquarius and be compassionate and loving to the world around us.

A Ritual For The Full Moon Of August 2019

The optimal period for performing the ritual is from the 14th to the 25th of August 2019.


1. Any smudging tool you feel comfortable using


1. Purify yourself and the space around you with the smudging tool. As you go through the process of purifying yourself, speak about how you are ready to let go of all that’s worrying you. Let go of the past that is holding you back, which you don’t need to burden yourself with. Allow yourself to feel lighter and to feel like you’ve fallen into perfect alignment with your highest purpose. The energy of the living Universe flows through you and your cleansing is complete. The energy heals you and restores your strength. In the end, you are nothing but love.

Next, when you’re purifying the space around you, talk about protecting and cleansing your surroundings. Clear away all the energy that does not benefit you or was never yours to keep in the first place. Allow love and light to protect your area and let their power serve as an attraction for happiness. In the end, express your gratitude for all the life, love, and energy.

2. While this ritual involves sending love out into the universe, you must also pick one person who needs help or someone who is not in your good graces because of some fight that hasn’t been settled yet.

3. After choosing the person, inhale and exhale deeply ten times keeping your eyes closed. This helps to relax your body and mind and even soothes the soul.

4. Without opening your eyes, imagine that your heart is emanating a ball of white light. Imagine that ball getting larger every time you inhale and exhale. When you can feel its strength and brilliance, send it out into the world around you or the person you have chosen. Here’s what you need to do:

Filling The World With Love – Visualize this ball of light coming from inside you making its way around your neighborhood and all through the world. While holding on to your picture of the earth, imagine the light going into every nook and cranny and just filling the planet with love. Hold on to this image for as long as you wish to.

Loving A Person  Imagine that that person is right before you and send your heart’s light to their heart. Do it till you think you’ve given them all that you can and they are full of the love that you have to offer.

5. Then send the ball of light back to your heart and you will be able to feel ten times the love you sent out. Inhale and exhale deeply ten times as you picture your body absorbing that light back in once again.

6. After this, you can open up your eyes. Get up and after one more round of cleansing with the smudging tool, speak about how that love was returned to you tenfold. It has filled you as well as the world around you. You have the freedom to be yourself because you’ve let go of all the burdens you carry. You are made of love and light and you are the highest version of yourself that you can be.

7. You can also have a drink of tea or water at the end to soothe you.

Have a great Full Moon and don’t forget to give all the love that you can!

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