Home Consciousness Cancer Season 2023: Affirmation & Manifestation for Each Zodiac Sign

Cancer Season 2023: Affirmation & Manifestation for Each Zodiac Sign

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Cancer season starts today, June 21, so now is the time to prepare.

Whatever you believe is the reality in which you live. Your thoughts have power because they are the designers of your life. They contribute to the creation of the world in which you live. It is your creation, whether it is filled with joy or challenges.

Instead of focusing on what you fear or do not want, concentrate on what you do. Train your mind to think positively about yourself, your loved ones, and your life. You will see more of what you want in your life as you begin to put everything into an affirmation based on what you want.

This is the power of your thoughts, and it is why manifesting always begins with teaching yourself to believe in the best possible outcome in any given situation. Because it becomes real when you think about it.

What each zodiac sign needs to manifest during Cancer season:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)  

Manifest: A loving home

Cleanse the doorways to your home with white sage and rose while repeating the affirmation. Keep a cinnamon stick near your door for luck and happiness.

Affirmation: I am committed to creating a loving and healthy home.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Manifest: Forgiveness

Anoint your heart chakra with a rosemary spring as you repeat the affirmation. List all of your forgiveness and take a deep breath, inhaling the herb’s scent.

Affirmation: I forgive everyone who has wronged me and myself for the mistakes I’ve made.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) 

Manifest: Self-healing

Use lavender salts and rose petals to make a sacred bath. Repeat the affirmation and visualize healing energy surrounding you as you immerse yourself in the water.

Affirmation: I am committed to healing because I am worthy of goodness.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 

Manifest: Self-love

Sit in front of a mirror and smile. Tell yourself all of your good and positive qualities before concluding with the affirmation. Do this on a daily or weekly basis to reap additional benefits throughout June 2023.

Affirmation: I am worthy and deserving of love and respect.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) 

Manifest: Release

Gather a stone and write what you want to release on it. Hold it in your hands and feel the weight of it before tossing it out while repeating the affirmation twelve times and bringing your hands to your heart to seal in the energy.

Affirmation: I let go of anything that isn’t mine to carry and focus on my heart.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 

Manifest: Reconnection with friends

Collect soil, sweet pea flower petals, and lemon peelings in a bag. Fill the bag with soil first, then flower petals and peelings. Repeat the affirmation for each one and visualize your bond being restored. Set it on your altar or in a sacred area of your home.

Affirmation: I welcome the new opportunity that today provides to reconcile with those who are important to me.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) 

Manifest: Dream career

Place a purple candle that has been anointed with basil leaves at the base. Each evening, extinguish the candle while repeating the affirmation ten times.

Affirmation: I am deserving of a job and a life I love.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 

Manifest: Purposeful travel

Make a yellow candle with a heart etched on it. Set it in a sacred space, surrounded by rosemary. Repeat the affirmation nine times as you meditate on this.

Affirmation: I embrace my ability to learn and grow through new experiences.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

Manifest: Healthier relationships

Each morning, meditate on the affirmation for June 2023 with a blue tiger’s eye. Visualize how your relationships can improve and wear the stone every day to remind yourself of the affirmation each time you touch it.

Affirmation: I am committed to developing healthier relationships with others while also nurturing my own.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Manifest: Time for love 

Gather a red candle and etch a simple image of a manual clock onto it. Anoint with olive oil and surround with rosemary and rose petals. Seven times in June 2023, meditate with the candle while repeating your affirmation.

Affirmation: I am open to receiving and creating space for love.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) 

Manifest: Self-care

Include the 3-5 breath work practice in your morning routine, along with the affirmation six times.

Affirmation: I prioritize my needs and take care of myself in all the ways that I require.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) 

Manifest: Joyful life

With a yellow candle, citrine, and basil, create a sacred space. Repeat the affirmation five times as you meditate in front of your altar. Wear the citrine throughout the day for added benefit and manifestation.

Affirmation: I embrace joy, happiness, and pleasure in every part of my life.

Now, you can follow Conscious Reminder on Facebook & Instagram!

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