Home Consciousness Twin Flame Separation: Break the Cycle Of Depression, Anxiety & Pain

Twin Flame Separation: Break the Cycle Of Depression, Anxiety & Pain

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Losing your twin flame is one of the hardest experiences you will ever have.

Twin flame separation is a nightmare, whether caused by death, circumstance, or an inability to coexist.

Your sense of absence is profoundly incapacitating.

The loss you’re dealing with is like quicksand.

Your shattered dreams and hopes cling to you like shrapnel.

You go through life feeling numb, empty, and alone.

Nothing compares to the deep and intense grief that comes with the loss of a loved one.

How to recover from twin flame separation?

Grief is an essential component of the healing process. My goal isn’t to wave a magic wand and make your pain disappear. Instead, my goal is to broaden your perspective and facilitate your recovery.

You are a powerful, deserving, and spiritual being. You have earned the right to pick up the pieces, heal, and move on with your life. Allow these words to sink into your heart for a moment. It can be difficult to remember these truths when we have suffered great loss.

Before you read this list, I want you to know that even if your twin flame seemed to be your universe, you are capable of finding wholeness on your own.

Recovery from twin flame separation can take months, years, or even decades. As a result, be gentle and patient with yourself:

1. Comprehend why the separation happened.

We often need to understand why something in our lives happened in order to find peace of mind. If your separation was intentional, you might want to investigate the underlying reasons and causes. Understanding why will allow you to learn important lessons about yourself and help you mature as a person.

2. Realize that twin flame separation makes you stronger.

This almost sounds like a sick joke at first. Stronger? How is that even possible?

While losing a loved one causes immense sadness and distress in the short term, it can shape you into the person you were meant to be in the long run. Twin flame separation burns you so fiercely that you feel like useless, futile ash, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. But, given enough time, this process of burning can give birth to strength, fortitude, and courage.

3. Allow yourself to mourn through self-expression.

Intense emotions are frightening. As a result, the majority of us tend to hide, suppress, or distract ourselves from honoring them. Slow down if you’re experiencing extremely unpleasant emotions like depression, anger, or grief. Make room in your life for mourning. This isn’t about feeling sorry for yourself; it’s about actively experiencing your emotions.

Self-expression, such as journaling, painting, playing an instrument, dancing, running, hiking, gardening, and so on, is one of the best ways to actively experience emotions. Find out what makes you happy and go there. Don’t stay still. Get your feet moving. This is an extremely effective method of healing.

4. You are not your pain.

When we are in a lot of pain, it is very easy to get caught up in victim roles. Melancholy is pleasant when it shields us from vulnerability. But keep in mind that pain is a fleeting sensation. Although it is a strong emotion, you are not your pain. You are so much more than your pain.

Making friends with pain, opening up to it, and allowing it to teach you demonstrates that pain is temporary. Pain reveals to you the parts of yourself that have yet to heal. Pain removes the pretense and illusions, revealing the truth of what is there: your wounds, insecurities, beliefs, and attachments.

Pain indicates that you have loved deeply and completely. It reveals your own beauty and tender heart to you. Finally, fully accepting pain in the moment reveals a deeper truth: you are limitless. You are not bound by any identity or pain story.

Pain is nothing more than a passing cloud in the sky that is You.

5. Our twin flames are not responsible for our happiness.

Twin flames help us grow in powerful ways, but they are not necessary for us to be happy. Without the presence of our twin flames, we can achieve wholeness and fulfillment. Unfortunately, a common misconception about twin flames is that we require them to be complete. This is incorrect.

6. Integration.

Integration is the process of actively applying your discoveries to your life. Suffering ends when you completely surrender to what life is throwing at you right now, without resistance. Of course, this is easier in theory than it is in practice. So be gentle with yourself. Take things at your own pace. This will take time. Most importantly, be willing to let go of anything that is no longer serving you.

One last thing…

It is critical for healing to unconditionally love yourself, including all of your flaws, mistakes, and shadow parts. Our own self-loathing and lack of self-understanding are frequently the root causes of our heartbreak.

Finally, accept the fact that life is a mystery. You have no idea what the future holds. You never know who will show up or reappear in your life. Take solace in this.

Have you split up with your twin flame? What was it like for you, and how did you deal with it?

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