Home Consciousness Scorpio New Moon Rising Early Morning, November 13th, Will Give You Power to Face Your “Monsters”

Scorpio New Moon Rising Early Morning, November 13th, Will Give You Power to Face Your “Monsters”

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Scorpio New Moon on November 13th has deep, tangled webs of energy that will reach into the darkest parts of our soul and psyche.

What is the problem?

What is correct?

What is the procedure?

Under the November Dark Moon, these probing philosophical questions will dance across our minds, guiding us into the labyrinth of our being.

We are being invited to look deeper, feel deeper, and, most importantly, question. We must challenge the narratives we are told as well as the narratives we tell ourselves; we must think for ourselves.

In fact, that is essentially what the Scorpio New Moon provides. It wants us to think for ourselves, to figure out what we want to do and where we want to go without being influenced by others, society, or our fears of what others will think.

This New Moon is all about taking charge of our own destiny and being true to ourselves. It wants us to march to the beat of our own drum, regardless of the music being played by others.

It takes confidence, courage, and knowing thyself to do so, and while this can be a life-long journey of exploration, the Scorpio New Moon will assist us in revealing a truer, deeper version of ourselves.

Because the night sky is the darkest and will be all month, use it as a symbol to journey within yourself. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hand on your heart, and ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?”

A simple practice like this one can help you connect with your spirit, body, and mind. Don’t overthink it or complicate it. Simply spend some time connecting with You and watch how your authentic self begins to speak. Notice how your inner wisdom and intuitive self-begin to take over.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and surprise, is active during this November New Moon, adding to the energies we will be feeling.

When we are especially sensitive, as we may be during this New Moon, Uranus’ energy can cause us to feel anxious. Things can feel erratic and unstable, and our lives can be subject to upheaval and change.

Uranus can upend our daily routines in order to get us thinking bigger and exploring bigger ideas. Uranus likes to shake us and the things in our lives to cause an awakening and to broaden our perspectives on life and everything in it.

Uranus’ energy also encourages us to think outside the box, to try something novel or out of the ordinary, and to be less rigid in our thinking.

Take a moment to consider any rigid beliefs you may have. How can they be turned upside down, loosened, or kept flexible? How can you see things in a different light?

Uranus defies convention; its energy is unpredictable, but it keeps things interesting and keeps us in awe of this life journey and what it has in store for us.

Accept some of this Uranian energy by allowing yourself to think bigger, explore further, and step outside the box.

Don’t be shackled by other people’s ideas or what society or culture tells you. You have been summoned to lift the veil and seek a new and higher truth. You are being asked to consider alternatives rather than dismiss the inner voice that is waiting to speak with you.

Neptune is also active during this New Moon, implying that a veil may be lifted on the world stage as well. Perhaps new information or insights emerge that shed light on a greater truth. Secrets may be revealed, or we may discover that what we thought was true is no longer so.

Our beliefs, ideas, and what we consider to be our authentic self are constantly growing, evolving, and reaching new and higher states of consciousness. And that is the path of life. What we believe today may not be true tomorrow.

So we keep doing our best, loving ourselves and one another, and trying not to judge the journey.

New Moon Blessings to all of you!!!

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