Home Consciousness Capricorn Season 2023 Is at the Doors: Astrological Forecast by Dates

Capricorn Season 2023 Is at the Doors: Astrological Forecast by Dates

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

As the sun moves into Capricorn on December 21 at 10:27 p.m. ET (or 4:27 a.m. CET on December 22), a new season begins under a different sign.

The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, will be observed in the northern hemisphere and will bring with it a chill to the air. At the same time, the summer solstice will bring warmth to the southern hemisphere. We commemorate the sun’s passage and think back on what we’ve accomplished in the last year during the winter solstice.

As the year winds down, Capricorn Season is a great time to reflect on one’s life. Every year around this time, we take stock of our lessons learned and decide what we will (and will not) carry into the new year. At this turning point in our lives, we face our mistakes, make apologies to those we’ve wronged, or decide not to, and move on to the next phase.

Taking initiative and getting that well-deserved promotion or pay raise is highly encouraged during Capricorn Season. Capricorns, being a cardinal sign, have an innate tendency to take the lead in whatever they do. Their drive and perseverance get them where they want to go. Whatever obstacles we face this month, we will be motivated to chase our dreams with all our might because of what lies ahead.

Because Saturn rules Capricorn, we tend to act more responsibly and take full responsibility of our lives right now. For this reason, many of us look forward to the new year with the hope of bettering ourselves and our lives in the here and now by making a list of resolutions or new goals to work toward. We can take a more optimistic approach to reaching our objectives and let go of things that have hurt us. Having a strategy in place for the coming month is essential, since Capricorn is a sign that values organization and practicality.

Saturn is now in Pisces, so it’s a good time to set limits with people and use our creativity for good. Intuition, rather than reason, is emphasized as the primary means of understanding the world. We will also be driven forward by our strong artistic impulses. The creative juices may be a little flat at the start of Capricorn Season, but they’ll be flowing again once the new year rolls around.

One distinctive aspect of the current Capricorn season is Mercury’s planetary backspin, which began on December 13 and will conclude on January 1. This is a season for introspection, when we look back on our lives and let them inform our present and future decisions. Also, on December 30, Jupiter will go direct, empowering us to be ourselves and move forward with conviction when we set our sights on our objectives.

Insight into the past and healing will be possible during the next month, so it will be valuable. Put this period to good use by releasing yourself from things that are holding you back. This will pave the way for an amazing 2024, because we will have the freedom to enhance our lives with anything we desire.

Important dates for Capricorn Season: 

December 21: As the sun moves into Capricorn, a new month of introspection and contemplation begins.

December 23: As Mercury goes retrograde into Sagittarius, our thoughts and feelings will travel back in time to the events of late November, when they first transpired. In order to rectify any errors, we are thinking of methods to deal with comparable situations in the future.

December 26: The Cancer full moon presents an opportunity to release the pent-up emotions that have been weighing us down for the last fifteen months, including anger, frustration, and sadness. We can finally put the past in the past and welcome the future into this moment.

December 29: We all yearn for a love life filled with adventure and excitement, and when Venus enters Sagittarius, it will bring just that. Now is the moment to let loose and do what makes us happy—whatever that may be.

December 30: After a retrograde period that started on September 4, Jupiter in Taurus goes direct. We can give ourselves permission to make use of the possibilities and ideas that we’ve come to understand.

January 1: The retrograde cycle that Mercury began on December 13 ends when the planet turns direct. We should pause to consider the lessons of this planetary retrograde and implement them into our lives. It is important to pay attention to the lessons that the universe has imparted during Mercury’s backwards spin.

January 4: As Mars moves into Capricorn, we have a chance to demonstrate our tenacity by finishing what we’ve begun. We should challenge ourselves to perform to the best of our abilities and complete our assignments with enthusiasm.

January 11: The new moon in Capricorn in 2024 encourages a clean slate by providing an opportunity to soar above our current circumstances and achieve our loftiest goals. Now is the time to settle on plans and objectives for the coming year.

January 13: With Mercury re-enter Capricorn, we circle back to December 1. The story that unfolded during that time has been revisited three times. Progress is within our reach now that we have the information necessary to harness it.

January 20: As the sun moves into Aquarius, it brings fresh perspectives to our everyday lives and adds to the energy around us. In addition to our humanitarian aspirations, we hope to make friends and join a worldwide community that will help us achieve our goals.

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