Home Consciousness Venus Sextile Aspects for Each Planet Explained

Venus Sextile Aspects for Each Planet Explained

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and sensuality.

Financial matters, artistic expression, and sexuality are all tangentially related. When Mercury forms a sextile to Venus in your birth chart, the energies of the two planets harmonize. According to some astrologers, it’s quite powerful but not quite a trine. Astrologers who hold this view hold that a person may be blissfully unaware of the benefits bestowed upon them by a trine because its energy flows so effortlessly. Sextiles are more akin to noticeable gifts in that they require some effort on your part.

One of the five main angles in astrology is a sextile. In natal astrology, it happens when two planets are 60 degrees apart. A sextile can only have an orb of 3° or 4°, according to numerous astrologers. Some astrologers permit orbs as large as 10°.

Astrological Aspects: Natal Sextile Venus

The planetary sextile to Venus indicates a flow of energy between the two celestial bodies. Your social interactions and appreciation of aesthetics are influenced by the other planets. These themes will manifest differently for each individual based on a number of factors, including aspects to Venus, planet signs, and houses.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Sun

Due to the fact that Venus is always within 47 degrees of the central star of our solar system, it is impossible for Venus to sextile the Sun in a natal chart.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Moon

You are sociable without being overly extroverted when Venus forms a sextile to your Moon at birth. There are times when you can calm people down. If you are easygoing, people know they can talk to you about anything and get good advice from you without fear of reprimand. The flip side is that you might get caught up in fights that aren’t even remotely related to you. Your ability to make a house a home is something that everyone admires and admires you for. But if you want to develop, you might have to challenge yourself.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Mercury

With natal Venus sextile to natal Mercury, your relationships and communication are in harmony. If you’re the type of person who writes love letters or isn’t afraid to tell someone how they make you feel, they might be expressing a crush. In any case, your use of language is quite imaginative. Folks pay attention when you put pen to paper or voice to voice. Additionally, you might discover that the places you learn from have the greatest impact on the relationships you form.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Mars

When Venus forms a sextile to Mars in your birth chart, the harmonious beauty of Venus can motivate you to take action. Your “doingness” may have something to do with the quality of your creative output. Alternately, you could discover that you have a gift for creative problem-solving and can always find a lovely solution to whatever obstacle stands in your way. There is usually a healthy dose of passion and sexuality in your relationships because you are a passionate lover.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Jupiter

You experience a plethora of harmonious relationships. You might even discover that the quality of your relationships determines how successful you are. If you’re lucky, your spouse or partner will encourage you to follow your passions and launch a business together. You don’t let breakups stress you out, and you usually keep in touch with your exes even after they’ve ended.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Saturn

Someone who has no trouble committing to relationships is born with Venus and Saturn in a natal sextile. If this describes you, then you have a gift for taking your imaginative concepts and turning them into reality via perseverance and self-control. Being able to maintain a grounded but creative or imaginative frame of mind is a rare talent that comes from having an appreciation for harmony and beauty in addition to a knack for structure.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Uranus

You may have an unconventional approach to relationships and be drawn to people who don’t fit the mold. You should strive for more than the typical life with a spouse, 2.5 children, and a white picket fence. Having said that, there are a lot of ways in which your relationships can be unconventional. Volunteering for causes related to social justice or humanitarian work can also lead you to the people who have the greatest impact on your life.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Neptune

You have a natural flair for romance thanks to the natal sextile between Venus and Neptune. Daydreaming about your sweethearts and your crushes is something you enjoy doing. You have a lot of imagination and creativity, and your romantic side is a great source of ideas. You have a passion for love that you’re not shy about expressing. But if you let a breakup hurt you too much, you might end up burying your romantic side. You need to give yourself time to heal before you can let it shine again.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Pluto

With Venus sextile to Pluto in your natal chart, you may find common ground with others on sensitive subjects. Sometimes people aren’t receptive to challenging philosophical ideas, true crime stories, or sexual kinks. When you want to connect with someone, you want to go deep, not shallow. Prior to devoting yourself fully to a relationship, it’s wise to get to know someone’s true nature. Positive changes can also occur in your life as a result of the relationships you have.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Chiron

Your deepest personal wounds can serve as a springboard for meaningful connections with others when Chiron forms a sextile to your natal Venus. Making connections with other people also helps you heal from past hurts. In your interactions with others, you have a special way of making them feel safe enough to tell you the deepest secrets, and then you have these magical conversations that help you and them heal from the inside out.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Black Moon Lilith

You have exceptional relationship communication skills. You are able to speak frankly about your feelings of shame because you do not try to hide them. In spite of your lack of “conventionally attractive” qualities, people can’t help but be drawn to you. People are naturally drawn to you because of your charisma. But you’ll need your intuition to choose the best ones.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Ascendant

Those around you feel at ease. The impression you give to others is crucial in attracting their attention. You likely have a natural talent for making friends and maintaining peaceful relationships. You have an excellent sense of style, both in terms of what you wear and the things you choose to surround yourself with, and you enjoy being in beautiful environments. It’s likely that you also possess some sort of creative talent, though it need not be artistic. Maybe you’re just very imaginative and come up with brilliant ideas all the time.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal North Node

In a natal astrology chart, a Venus sextile to the North Node indicates the possibility of life-altering relationships that can propel you ahead. Venus in trine aspect to your South Node in this position makes it more difficult for you to stumble into romantic partnerships. To harness these potent connections for your life’s journey, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your current path.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal South Node

Your relationships will propel you forward on your life’s journey, but you’ll have a lot of learning to do in the beginning, as this aspect also indicates that Venus is trine your natal North Node. During your formative years, you will likely experience a number of heartbreaking breakups that will serve as valuable lessons in determining your ideal romantic partner. A strong relationship will emerge to help you progress once you’ve finished the “South Node” lessons.

Natal Venus Sextile Natal Midheaven

In your public roles, you often let your imagination run wild, and it’s not uncommon for you to meet the love of your life at work. In a professional or public-facing setting, you are able to get along with people. You have excellent people skills and are often the go-getter when it comes to office politics. Creativity and business can be combined in a unique way. Talent management or arts administration are two possible careers for you.

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