Home Consciousness 3 Zodiacs That See Mercury Retrograde as Nothing Out of the Ordinary

3 Zodiacs That See Mercury Retrograde as Nothing Out of the Ordinary

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by Conscious Reminder

Some people are drawn to the unpredictable consequences.

While everyone else is caught up in the chaos of missed trains and relationship conflicts, there are those who remain blissfully unaffected by the phenomenon of Mercury in retrograde. This time of year holds significance for certain individuals, while for others, it is merely another ordinary day.

Mercury retrograde is a recurring phenomenon that happens several times a year, with each occurrence spanning approximately three weeks. It occurs when the planet appears to move in reverse in its orbit as observed from Earth.

Given the influence of Mercury on communication and technology, a retrograde period is commonly linked to challenges in travel, conversations, and issues with electronic communication such as emails and phones. Virgo and Gemini, ruled by Mercury, tend to experience these intense side effects more frequently.

The time of year also has its significance. Take note of this: Mercury went retrograde on April 1, 2024, during Aries season, causing a collective struggle among Aries individuals worldwide. However, there are certain individuals who seem unaffected by any situation due to the influence of their ruling planets and their naturally relaxed demeanor.

Continue reading to discover the three zodiac signs that are less influenced by Mercury retrograde, as per the insights of an astrologer.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, being an earth sign ruled by Venus, tends to have a smoother experience during Mercury retrograde. Individuals born under the sign of Taurus are renowned for their steadfastness and remarkable ability to stay rooted, even in the midst of tumultuous circumstances.

Although momentarily frustrated by a Mercury retrograde-related mishap, such as sending a text to the wrong friend, they refuse to let it dampen their day.

Their ruling planet Venus, symbolizing love, beauty, and money, serves as a protective shield, enabling them to remain composed and collected during such times.

While some people may feel stressed and rushed when they’re running late or facing technical difficulties, Taurus individuals have a knack for remaining calm and accepting the situation. In fact, many of them might even take it as a signal to take a break and enjoy the rest of the day. The bull sees Mercury retrograde as a convenient justification to continue moving at their own leisurely pace.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, being influenced by Pluto and Mars, views Mercury retrograde as a time for deep introspection, often referring to these three weeks as a “cosmic timeout.” When this individual senses a shift in the atmosphere, they promptly engage in introspection, contemplation, and leisurely strolls.

A Scorpio’s calculated and often passionate approach to life allows them to skillfully maneuver through the challenging period of Mercury retrograde, embracing it as an opportunity for personal growth and change. Instead of perceiving it as a period of misfortune and chaos, they embrace the peculiarities and contemplate the necessary adjustments.

During this reflective time, individuals may find that communication mishaps and technology failures can be frustrating. However, those with a strong sense of resilience and a desire for depth, may discover hidden truths and gain a deeper understanding of the situation.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Strangely enough, Sagittarius seems to anticipate Mercury retrograde. They appreciate the ability to bring a touch of unpredictability into their life — and they have faith that things will ultimately fall into place.

This sign, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, has a unique perspective on Mercury retrograde. They see it as an exciting opportunity for new experiences. This sign has a remarkable ability to embrace life’s unexpected twists and turns. When faced with missed trains or delayed flights, they often find a way to see the silver lining.

Instead of getting upset or changing their plans, they will choose to embark on a spontaneous adventure or simply relax and let things unfold. A Sagittarius is known for their ability to embrace unpredictability, unlike other signs who may struggle with it.

This sign may experience a period of reflection during Mercury retrograde. Numerous individuals born under the sign of Sagittarius will experience profound moments of self-discovery that leave them with a renewed sense of self.

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