Home Consciousness Fiery Sagittarius Flower Moon Grows Full, Igniting the Flame & Calls for Adventure

Fiery Sagittarius Flower Moon Grows Full, Igniting the Flame & Calls for Adventure

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Flower Moon, the final full moon of spring, will grace the sky on May 23 at 9:53 a.m. ET (3:53 p.m. CET).

The moon in Sagittarius brings a delightful focus to our passions, desires, and vibrant energy. There is a powerful cosmic influence guiding us towards discovering our personal truths and delving into our romantic aspirations. This lunation may have occasional dramatic moments, but its purpose is to help us cultivate wisdom, strength, and a heart filled with love.

The new moon phase, which began on May 7, initiated the energy that the full moon, which marks the culmination of the lunar cycle, brings together. Every full moon carries a unique energy, and this particular one occurs in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, which is governed by the planet Jupiter. As a result, we can anticipate a wave of positivity coming our way. The Flower Moon derives its name from the rich tapestry of blooming plants during this period, as recognized by indigenous communities in North America. This period signifies a hopeful phase of renewal and magnificence as we journey through the final weeks of spring, approaching the summer solstice that begins on June 20.

The current full moon is in aspect with Pluto, which is currently in retrograde in Aquarius. This aspect will help us tap into our deepest emotions, enabling us to recognize and embrace them. It will allow us to connect with others on a deeper level. As we strive to cultivate growth in our partnerships, we recognize that certain relationships may no longer serve us and we should consciously release them. However, it is highly probable that we will focus on cultivating alliances rather than severing them in order to establish more robust foundations. Pluto has the power to revolutionize the way we interact, granting us the strength to mend and heal our relationships. This indicates a sense of confidence in our ability to collaborate and find solutions to issues with others. However, embracing these challenges will require us to confront our deepest fears, desires, and hidden aspects of ourselves. The fixed stars Yed Prior, Dschubba, and Acrab add a touch of flair, confidence, and resolve to the lunation. There will be a hint of drama. Remember that Sagittarius tends to approach everything with a bold and expansive mindset.

When Jupiter aligns with Taurus and Neptune with Pisces, it enhances our ability to empathize and show compassion. Strong idealism and a deep commitment to humanitarianism drive us to assist others and strive for the well-being and success of all individuals. During the final degree of Taurus, Venus aligns with Jupiter in a powerful conjunction. The alignment with Neptune seamlessly combines feelings of love, creativity, desire, wealth, prosperity, and achievement, creating a powerful and harmonious energy. There are endless possibilities for what we desire and are capable of achieving. You will feel a sense of limitless possibilities, particularly in matters of the heart. We will be emotionally receptive and prepared to move forward with our commitment.

In the afternoon, at 4:30 p.m. ET, Venus gracefully transitions into Gemini. With this planetary shift, the evening will be filled with delightful and whimsical energy. Because of this placement’s social and witty nature, it is natural to feel inclined to share our experiences of the full moon with our loved ones. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your passion projects, relationship goals, career aspirations, and hopes for the future. Articulating your deepest emotions and aspirations will ignite your intentions. You may also receive wise counsel or guidance on how to initiate these ventures or collaborations from trusted individuals such as confidants, friends, colleagues, and family members.

Shortly after the full moon, Jupiter enters Gemini, offering us the chance to improve our relationships within our immediate community, communicate more effectively, and fortify our bonds with siblings and those who resemble them. With Jupiter in the final degree of Taurus during this lunation, it is crucial to direct our attention towards the insights we have acquired, the wisdom we have gathered, and the lessons we have learned, particularly in the realm of relationships. Reflect on your personal growth and consider what you desire to manifest in your life. If you truly desire it, you can achieve limitless possibilities. Expand your horizons and keep in mind the importance of setting ambitious goals and surrounding yourself with positive influences.

This full moon is an ideal time to engage in emotional conversations. Prepare yourself to openly express your feelings and be receptive to the thoughts and emotions of others. Prepare to be amazed by the abundance of knowledge and generosity that people possess. It is important for a professional astrologer to reciprocate the energy you are receiving by engaging in acts of kindness. Prepare to be astounded by the incredible potential within yourself and those around you, as long as you are open to giving and receiving rather than solely focusing on taking. Our hearts are boundless, reaching unfathomable depths.

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