Home Consciousness Black Moon Lilith in Libra 2024 Is Preventing You from Embracing Your Unlimited Power

Black Moon Lilith in Libra 2024 Is Preventing You from Embracing Your Unlimited Power

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Ready to step into your secret, sexy dark side?

In a society that constantly pressures individuals to conform, it is increasingly crucial to defy expectations. If you’re ready to fully embrace your darker nature, Lilith can empower you in ways you never thought possible. Lilith, also known as “Black Moon Lilith,” is a significant astrological point in your birth chart that prompts you to explore the hidden aspects of your personality. Lilith unveils the hidden areas of your deepest desires, keeping them hidden from the world to prevent potential judgment or rejection. This is often known as your shadow side, revealing the aspects of life that are considered forbidden.

Black Moon Lilith is preparing to transition from practical Virgo to harmonious Libra, where it will reside until March 2025. What insights can we gain from the influence of Black Moon Lilith in Libra?

What Exactly is Black Moon Lilith?

Now, let’s take a moment to delve into the concept of Black Moon Lilith. At this moment, the Moon reaches its apogee, which is the farthest point in its orbit from Earth.

There are two positions for Black Moon Lilith: Mean and True/Oscillating. Lilith’s movement can be quite erratic, with the True/Oscillating position representing the exact location and the Mean position representing the averaged-out position. We can evaluate both aspects in the natal chart, with True/Oscillating holding greater significance for many individuals.

When you focus on Mean Lilith, understanding transits becomes much easier.

The Black Moon Lilith illuminates the spaces where we make our voices heard, assert ourselves, and maintain our resolve. As Adam’s first wife, Lilith boldly asserted herself in the Garden of Eden, despite facing expulsion! Lilith was fully aware of her own power and value, standing on equal footing with Adam.

Transit Black Moon Lilith has the potential to evoke these qualities in everyone, depending on the sign it is currently in and the aspects it forms with other planets. Additionally, its influence can be more personal, depending on the specific natal house it is transiting and the aspects it makes with your natal chart.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra Dates:

  • enters June 29th 2024
  • exits March 27th 2025

The Influence of Black Moon Lilith in Libra

The presence of Black Moon Lilith in Virgo has been characterized by a more reserved approach to asserting oneself and expressing opinions. This tendency persists as it transitions into Libra, albeit with some subtle variations. Virgo tends to be more reserved and cautious, often hesitant to voice their opinions, whereas Libra is more inclined to express themselves, but always in a diplomatic and charming manner.

When Black Moon Lilith is in Libra, there are subtle and diplomatic ways to express our opinions without being overly forceful or confrontational. Our expertise in understanding different perspectives allows us to effectively persuade and win people over. Utilizing compromise and negotiation techniques can effectively help us achieve our desired outcomes. This period presents a favorable opportunity for practicing diplomacy. We approach our pursuits with a high level of tact and consideration.

We usually advocate for others more than ourselves. We can develop a greater sense of empathy towards the issues that affect others and a heightened sensitivity towards anything that we perceive as unfair or unjust. We desire greater fairness and can advocate for it, employing a more gentle approach.

When it comes to relationships, partnerships, and alliances, we can confidently assert our stance under the influence of Libra. We might find ourselves collaborating with someone or enlisting the support of a trusted ally. Having someone support us can greatly boost our confidence when we decide to assert ourselves and express our opinions.

It’s worth mentioning that Libra often has a strong connection with women’s issues, so there could potentially be a greater emphasis on that.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra: Aspects

It is worth noting that the conjunctions formed by transit Lilith are of the utmost significance. Lilith conjuncts the three fast planets, beginning with a conjunction with Venus on September 4th at 7 degrees Libra. The influence of Venus, the natural ruler of Libra, enhances and intensifies the energy associated with the Libra zodiac sign. Our increased charm and fair-mindedness when expressing our opinions allow us to approach partnerships, alliances, and women’s issues with greater focus and attention.

On October 2nd, there will be a conjunction between Black Moon Lilith and Mercury, occurring at 10 degrees Libra. Mercury, being the planet of communication and thought, influences our ability to express ourselves and generate new ideas. This can lead to increased engagement in topics we care about, as well as a greater sense of motivation overall. On the 3rd, there is a powerful alignment between Lilith and the Sun, which brings a surge of energy and a heightened sense of purpose. We become deeply engaged in our passions and are determined to make a difference. During this period, there is a possibility of witnessing an increase in protests or the formation of alliances.

On August 30th, the transit South Node will align with Black Moon Lilith at 6 degrees for the True South Node, and on September 6th, it will align at 7 degrees for the Mean South Node. The South Node is a crucial component of the Lunar Nodes, which mark the Moon’s path as it intersects with the ecliptic. There are two Lunar Nodes, known as the North Node and the South Node, which are positioned in exact opposition to each other. The Lunar Nodes possess a spiritual and karmic essence. Understanding the mysterious energy of the North Node is crucial for unlocking our potential, fulfilling our purpose, and achieving ultimate life satisfaction.

The South Node represents the past, embodying energies that we have already encountered and become familiar with. It is frequently linked to our past lives or formative years. This energy is quite comfortable, leading us to develop emotional crutches and unhealthy habits that we tend to rely on during times of stress and upset. It is important to harness this energy in a constructive manner rather than relying on it as a dependency.

When Lilith is conjunct with the South Node, it can present us with an opportunity to confront the ways in which we may be hindering our own progress. This may manifest as a tendency to revert to outdated patterns that no longer serve us, or a habit of repeatedly engaging in behaviors that have had negative consequences for us. It is important to take a sincere look at ourselves, evaluating our approach and attitude, in order to improve and grow. We might encounter lingering specters from our past that require release.

When the South Node and Venus align, it suggests that issues related to relationships, partnerships, commitments, alliances, or women’s issues are at the center of our challenges.

Final Words

If you want to gain insight into the current impact, you can reflect on the period from August 2015 to May 2026, when Black Moon Lilith was last in Libra. When you stood up and spoke out in the past, what was your main focus?

For those with a natal Black Moon Lilith in Libra, an intriguing phenomenon awaits you. Brace yourself for the Black Moon Lilith Return, a powerful event that takes place when transit Black Moon Lilith aligns with your natal Black Moon Lilith. There are valuable lessons that can empower you to express yourself confidently and assertively. You will gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles that have hindered you and the challenges you must overcome. Now is an opportune moment to connect with your inner Lilith.

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