Home Consciousness July 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Start the Summer Season with a Boost of Cosmic Confidence

July 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Start the Summer Season with a Boost of Cosmic Confidence

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Welcome to the second half of the year!!!

As I analyze the astrological forecast for the upcoming month, it’s difficult to believe that July has already arrived. July is an incredibly enchanting month, filled with the mystical energy of the Sirius Gateway. The Sirius Gateway occurs annually in the first week of July, marking the alignment of our Sun with the star Sirius.

Throughout history, numerous ancient civilizations held Sirius in high regard, recognizing his significance as a spiritual luminary. When the Sun and the Spiritual Sun align, powerful waves of high-frequency energy permeate the cosmic airways and rejuvenate our spiritual and physical selves.

In July 2024, there will be a Cancer New Moon, which will enhance the power of the Sirius Gateway. This event is set to occur on July 5th, right in the heart of the Gateway.

A new lunar cycle, intricately connected to the Sirius Gateway, will usher in a wave of revitalizing energy for everyone to harness. This period holds enormous potential for us to enhance our well-being, foster optimism, and rejuvenate our souls.

When we experience potent and influential energy such as this, it has the potential to facilitate the release or removal of any obstacles or blockages that may be impeding our progress or requiring resolution. At times, we may experience a lack of energy or feel tired, but as this phase passes and we embrace the valuable insights available to us, we can initiate positive changes in our lives.

In July, we will experience the second Capricorn Full Moon of the year. This celestial event will assist us in finding resolution and understanding for any unresolved matters that were present towards the end of June.

At the end of the month, we will experience the retrograde motion of two additional planets: Neptune and Chiron. Our retrograde count now stands at four. As the month comes to a close, we may experience a slowdown due to the influence of several retrograde planets operating on more subtle levels.

When there is a significant presence of retrograde energy in the celestial realm, it serves as a gentle nudge from the Universe to encourage us to take a moment to pause, contemplate, and reassess before moving forward.

Wherever the cosmic energies lead you this month, may you experience a sense of tranquility and find the opportunity to rejuvenate and contemplate.

Now, let’s examine the important dates for the upcoming month.

Astrology for July 2024

Sun Square Lunar Nodes: July 2nd

Recall the eclipses that occurred in March and April? Now is the perfect opportunity to look back on the past few months and assess our progress. For those who are well-versed in astrology, today presents an opportune moment to set intentions and engage in self-reflection. There is no need to give up if you haven’t seen results. Today’s energy can provide you with a fresh perspective or guide you towards a different path to reach your goals and aspirations. If the Eclipses of that time presented challenges, you may now gain insights or assistance that fosters greater understanding. It is possible that you will feel closer to finding the closure you seek.

Neptune Retrograde Begins: July 2nd

The planet Neptune will be retrograde in Pisces. This energy has the ability to reveal what lies beneath the surface. Neptune Retrograde presents a unique opportunity to uncover hidden forces and gain a deeper understanding. We can shatter illusions, unveiling a reality that differs from our initial perception. Although it may seem challenging, Neptune Retrograde has the potential to ignite a fresh wave of creativity, enabling us to perceive solutions and possibilities instead of obstacles and limitations. Neptune will continue its retrograde until December 7th.

Mercury Enters Leo: July 2nd

Mercury, the planet of communication, makes its entrance into Leo, a sign known for its passion and heart-centered energy. This energy can strengthen our heart connection, facilitating more effective communication of our emotions and desires. Now is an opportune moment to inquire within and attentively observe or document the answer. The revelations you uncover could lead to a profound moment of realization.

Sirius Gateway: July 2nd-7th

The first week of July activates the powerful Sirius gateway, which reaches its peak on July 4th. This Star Gateway is a potent tool for elevating our vibration and accessing profound wisdom. People widely recognize Sirius as a potent spiritual energy source that rejuvenates both our mind and body. Sirius is also associated with the resonance of liberation and advanced technology. If you’re seeking a genuine transformation, this energy has the potential to assist you in achieving that. If you are involved in or aspire to make advancements in the tech industry, this energy can prove to be highly beneficial.

A Magical New Moon in Cancer: July 5th

A stunning, gentle New Moon serves as a gentle reminder that starting anew is always within reach. There is a captivating energy surrounding this New Moon, urging us to maintain a positive outlook and embrace the gentler aspects. How can we alleviate our worries and cultivate a more compassionate perspective on the world? It is essential to begin by cultivating self-love. This New Moon has the power to enhance and magnify the potent energies that are flowing in from the Sirius Gateway. Harness the power of this energy to rejuvenate your spirit and establish meaningful intentions for the upcoming months.

Venus Square Chiron: July 6th

Venus in Cancer will square Chiron in Aries may cause some tension, particularly in matters of the heart. However, we should not view all tension negatively. We can view this tension as a valuable tool that guides us towards profound healing in our relationships and in our ability to give and receive love. This energy is highly dynamic and has the potential to elevate our healing abilities to new heights.

Pallas Goes Direct in Scorpio: July 9th

The ending of Pallas retrograde is cosmic! This asteroid symbolizes the creative use of our mind and wisdom to express ourselves and solidify our identity. In Scorpio, Pallas urges the group to be brave and seek knowledge everywhere. People hoard knowledge and keep others ignorant for a reason. For the same reason, “knowledge is power.” Pallas seeks parity.

On July 9, when Pallas goes direct in Scorpio, some groups may try to keep you in the dark, using your ignorance to their advantage. A personal connection with this transit will help you see through such tactics and avoid toxic people.

Venus in Leo: July 11th

Romantic Venus enters passionate Leo! During the period when Venus is in Leo, it is extremely beneficial to present ourselves confidently, pay attention to our physical appearance, and embrace a more lighthearted and joyful approach to life. Harness this energy by surrounding yourself with individuals who inspire and uplift you. Indulge in a sense of luxury and embrace your inner radiance, allowing your playful nature to shine.

Sun Trine Saturn: July 11th

With the Sun and Saturn in a trine alignment, productivity and progress become more accessible. Now is an opportune moment to accomplish tasks and take on challenging projects. During the current retrograde of Saturn, we have the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the tasks and lessons that the planet of Karma has assigned to us.

Venus Opposite Pluto: July 12th

The alignment of Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius is quite significant. This dynamic has the potential to present some challenges, shedding light on power struggles that may arise in our lives. Where do we exert excessive control? Are we excessively restricting our autonomy? We might experience the ebb and flow of this phenomenon in our daily lives and within our interpersonal connections. When faced with any situation, try to detach from your ego and connect with your heart to find true alignment. Assert your authority confidently while avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

Sun Square Chiron: July 15th

With Chiron’s upcoming retrograde at the end of the month, today holds significant potential for deep introspection regarding your healing journey since December of last year. It is highly likely that you have experienced significant personal growth and healing since then. Harness the cosmic energy of today to acknowledge the strides you’ve made and trust that the universe is backing your every move. If you sense a new direction beckoning on your healing journey, today presents an ideal opportunity to embrace it.

Mars in Gemini: July 20th

The planet Mars moves into the zodiac sign of Gemini. Given Mars’ placement in Gemini, it appears that a heightened sense of sociability and a willingness to engage in thought-provoking discussions may be present. Temporary disabling of our filters could potentially lead to complications if we share excessively. On the bright side, this might make it simpler for us to express ourselves and uncover our true emotions. It’s important to consider your words carefully and avoid being overly critical or saying things you might regret in the future.

A Productive Full Buck Moon in Capricorn: July 21st

This marks the Capricorn Full Moon’s second appearance this year. The first one happened on June 21st. There is a strong likelihood that we will be compelled to revisit this particular time period. We might uncover new perspectives on the issues we previously discussed. It is possible that we will witness the resolution or closure of a long-standing challenge that has been causing us difficulties for the past few months. The Capricorn Full Moon urges us to release and shed anything that hinders our ability to reach our fullest potential. Consider reflecting on any fears or self-limiting beliefs that may be hindering your progress, and try to let go of them by directing your attention towards the Moon. Stay tuned for further updates on the enchanting Moon!

Mercury Square Uranus: July 21st

Mercury, the planet of communication, forms a challenging alignment with Uranus, a planet associated with innovation and freedom. Working with the dynamic energies of Uranus and Mercury can be incredibly powerful! It seems that there is a sense of disarray and lack of focus. It can be challenging to determine the best course of action or understand our true emotions. We should focus on quieting our minds and embracing the natural flow of life. At times, the solutions may not be readily apparent. At times, it is necessary to expand our perspective and explore new realms of thought. It appears that this is what the Universe is urging us to do.

Big Leo Season Energy: July 22nd

As we transition from the watery season of the crab to the fiery season of Leo, a new energy emerges. Leo exudes a lively and spirited energy that is a delight to engage with. Leo is renowned for his confidence, his charisma, and his knack for indulgence and opulence. The Sun thrives in the sign of Leo and finds its true essence in this celestial position. The Sun plays a vital role in our existence, serving as a source of energy and rejuvenation. Discover effective methods to replenish your energy during the Leo Sun phase.

Sun Trine Neptune: July 22nd

This day is filled with enchantment and boundless creativity! Neptune is still in retrograde, which presents a unique opportunity to tap into its abundant creative energy. Today holds immense potential for various creative pursuits. Let your imagination take flight.

Sun Opposite Pluto: July 23rd

The Sun in Leo is in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. This marks a significant milestone in our journey of personal growth and change. How have you evolved? What have you let go of? Now is an opportune moment to recognize the cycle of transformation that you have recently experienced.

Mercury Comes Home to Virgo: July 25th

Mercury enters its ruling zodiac of Virgo. Mercury thrives in Virgo, enhancing our ability to be discerning and attentive to even the smallest details. Mercury in Virgo tends to be critical, so it’s important to practice self-compassion and be understanding towards others. Embrace a more graceful approach.

Chiron Joins the Retrograde Party: July 26th

As we bid farewell to the month, Chiron, the celestial body often referred to as the wounded healer, begins its retrograde motion, which will last until December. Now is the perfect moment to focus on self-care and self-compassion, even in the face of our personal challenges. Chiron’s retrograde period presents us with a chance to meticulously reexamine the facets of ourselves influenced by past trauma or wounds. It provides us with a valuable opportunity to reflect, assimilate, and contemplate strategies for progress. When Chiron is in Aries, it’s a time for us to let go of our fears and keep pushing forward. Chiron is renowned for its ability to embrace and integrate its wounds, transforming them into sources of strength and wisdom. Now is the perfect opportunity to cultivate a sense of acceptance within ourselves.

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