Home Consciousness Chiron Retrograde in Aries: A Journey Through Pain

Chiron Retrograde in Aries: A Journey Through Pain

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Emotional healing work follows a cyclical pattern. It requires time and patience to navigate our personal evolution. We often find ourselves revisiting old issues, allowing us to gain new perspectives and handle them with greater maturity and responsibility.

It requires self-forgiveness, as there may be moments when this repetitive path can seem like a setback, as if one is stuck in familiar patterns without making any progress. It requires bravery, as revisiting past wounds can evoke emotions of frustration and despair.

Healing is a journey that doesn’t follow a linear path. It lacks a clear beginning or end. It is crucial to remember that healing is not a competition, and there are no winners or losers determined by how quickly or profoundly we progress in our healing journey.

If that were true, Chiron would remain stationary. Completely still.

Surprisingly, Chiron’s orbit is even more eccentric than that of any planet or asteroid commonly utilized in astrology. This unique characteristic is what sets him apart as the “maverick.” Dealing with our own pain and finding healing is a deeply personal and unique experience for each individual.

On July 26th, we will embark on the next phase of our healing journey as Chiron’s annual retrograde station takes place in Aries.

Chiron embodies the shamanic essence within our community, a dedicated individual who has embraced the path of herbalism since the pandemic. They serve as a wise teacher, reminding us that strength and gentleness can harmoniously coexist. Additionally, they are a trusted healthcare professional whom you can rely on for your annual health check-up. Chiron, the centaur, served as the trusted healer for both heroes and heroines, providing them with remedies and soothing balms to mend their wounds. Curiously, Hercules accidentally injured Chiron with a poisoned arrow, initiating his journey. Despite his efforts to find the appropriate medicine, his attempts proved futile. Thus, the term ‘wounded healer’ has become synonymous with him.

Chiron goes retrograde once a year for approximately five months. During these periods, we have the opportunity to apply some sacred balm to our emotional wounds and explore the depths of our inner Chironic abilities. Given the influence of the Chiron Retrograde in Aries, it is likely that you will experience significant shifts in relation to your sense of self, creative abilities, and independence.

Bringing Back the Lost Fragments of Your Being

“Soul retrieval” is a commonly used term in shamanism. In essence, this practice guides us through the depths of our pain, allowing us to reclaim and heal the wounded aspects of ourselves affected by trauma and feelings of abandonment. According to indigenous beliefs, one can restore the soul-self and regain a sense of wholeness. However, similar to Chiron, the concept of soul retrieval serves as a powerful reminder that our wounds have the potential to transform into battle scars.

The process of soul retrieval is expansive, and there are various methods to embark on this journey. One approach involves coming together as a community, sharing our personal narratives, and allowing others to bear witness to our experiences. Embracing vulnerability and openness allows us to break free from the shackles of shame, enabling us to fully embrace our journey and welcome all aspects of ourselves. Guided meditations or seeking the guidance of a trained counselor or therapist are additional resources that can assist in this journey.

Reconstructing the Story & Reinventing Your Identity

Most individuals can recall instances of negative feedback and opinions from their childhood, often unaware of the lasting impact these words have on their subconscious. Assimilating these voices that do not even belong to us can be quite overwhelming. Redefining these narratives is essential for us to reclaim our power, especially if they have significantly impacted our confidence and drained our inner light, much like a vampire in the night.

Maybe the resonance of their voices reverberates so strongly within our thoughts that we struggle to perceive our own inner voice, let alone have faith in it. They encourage us to entrust our decision-making to others, constantly seeking their validation. One technique I use with my clients involves encouraging them to gain perspective by stepping back and viewing themselves as if they are connecting with their inner child.

“One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others.”

Bell Hooks

Children possess a remarkable purity, allowing us to easily discern their individuality. Even if you initially have doubts, you can gain a deeper understanding of your unique abilities and talents by visualizing yourself with a celestial aura. Healing these core wounds requires patience and dedication to transforming our stories. By doing so, we can make significant progress in embracing our true selves and feeling accepted without the need for masks, regardless of our surroundings.

Our minds have a tendency to overthink, which can sometimes lead us to delve into the depths of our psyche. Just 15 minutes a day to detach from these thoughts can help break this cycle. By doing so, you can start unraveling the origins of these thoughts and gain insight into the extent to which external factors influence your daily choices. You have the power to heal yourself.

It’s important to keep in mind that the process of healing is not a straight line, and it cannot be accomplished in solitude.

If our work has made a positive impact on your life, we kindly ask for your support so we can continue our work. Thank you!

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