Home Consciousness Stones & Crystals You Absolutely Need for Leo Season

Stones & Crystals You Absolutely Need for Leo Season

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Outgoing, passionate, wild, and charismatic, but also obstinate, inflexible, and lazy at times? Yes, I’m specifically referring to Leos!

The life of the party, Leos, are optimistic, funny, and kind-hearted.

However, as with any other sign, Leos face difficulties and negative traits, such as impatience or domineering energy. These difficulties may also become more visible during the month when the Sun is in Leo.

And when would that be, you ask?

From July 23 to August 22, 2023, the Sun will be in this fire sign, giving you plenty of time to arm yourself with divination tools to navigate Leo’s energy.

Any sign of the zodiac can benefit from crystal healing. But did you know that there are some stones that can help to amplify your positive traits and bright energy?

Continue reading to learn about the best crystals to use during the Leo season.

The Perfect Crystals for Leo Season

• Tiger’s Eye

The tiger’s eye is another stone of fortune and opportunity, but it is perhaps best known for its ability to protect against negative energies and psychic vampires.

This stone, available in dark brown and black shades with metallic flashes of yellows and oranges, also improves mental sharpness and clarity and helps balance mood swings.

The tiger’s eye helps to dispel negative energy and leaves you feeling refreshed by releasing stored tension in the body. Although this is an excellent stone for meditation, wearing or carrying a piece of tiger’s eye all day provides the most benefits.

• Rose Quartz

Despite being considered one of the more confident zodiac signs, Leos may occasionally struggle with self-esteem and self-love. Rose quartz, which comes in romantic pink hues, encourages you to hug your spirit and appreciate who you truly are.

This stone opens the heart chakra, revealing all of your wonderful qualities. It encourages you to have the unconditional love you deserve for yourself while also opening your heart to others.

When you meditate on feelings of love for yourself and others with rose quartz, your spirit will rise, and your confidence will radiate.

• Carnelian

Orangey-red carnelian, like Leo, is associated with the element of fire and works to enhance your emotional warmth. Because of its stabilizing properties, this stone can help you feel more balanced and creative.

Carnelian promotes success motivation and helps reduce feelings of indifference, restoring passion. This stone also improves memory and mental clarity.

To make a Leo-inspiring infusion, place a piece of carnelian in a glass of spring water.

Hold it in your hand and say aloud, “I have inner joy and peace.”

• Pyrite

Pyrite is ideal for a Leo dealing with difficult people or relationships because it provides psychic protection to those who use it.

This gleaming stone, also known as Fool’s Gold, dispels negative energy and attracts abundance; it is especially beneficial in business dealings or partnerships. Pyrite also protects against electromagnetic smog, making it ideal for use at work or when spending time in front of a screen.

To manifest opportunity and dispel technological smog, keep pyrite on your desk at work or in your left pocket.

• Citrine

This crystal has a high energy level and promotes enthusiasm. Typically found in yellows and golds, citrine effectively balances the chakras, fostering a deeper connection with your spirit and the earth.

This stone is especially beneficial for boosting your confidence and amplifying your fiery Leo energy. Citrine is also an excellent stone for attracting good fortune and prosperity.

Consider putting a small piece of citrine in your wallet or wearing a citrine bracelet on your left wrist.

• Amber

Although amber is technically fossilized tree resin rather than a crystal, its energy is potent. It captures the Sun’s energy, bathing Leo in the radiance of its ruling planet. It has extraordinary healing properties and cleanses the mind and body.

Amber dispels negativity and absorbs the stress of those who come into contact with it. It may also help with depression and improve your mood on darker days when the sun’s energy is less visible.

It is ideal for Leo because it improves patience, allowing you to slow down and appreciate the present moment. There are numerous ways to work with amber, but amber jewelry is particularly effective and simple to find; although it is not cheap, it is well worth it.

• Garnet

One of the most important stones for Leo is the beautiful red garnet. Garnet is your go-to crystal during the season if you want to achieve massive business or financial success. Furthermore, garnet is protective when embarking on a new journey or venture (especially for business partnerships or anything involving money).

Garnet heightens your awareness of potential threats and deception.

For example, after working with the garnet crystal, you might get the feeling that something isn’t quite right.

Follow that gentle nudge—it’s garnet awakening your intuition and shielding you from otherwise unanticipated negative circumstances.

Create Your Own Crystal Healing Tradition

Leos, like any other sign, face challenges, but there are so many things to love about your engaging, friendly personality. While your birth month may appear to highlight or intensify these difficulties, working with crystals will assist you in releasing your most powerful, positive self.

There are numerous ways to work with crystals, and the suggestions in this guide are just that.

Make new traditions out of crystals that fascinate and excite you. Learning which crystals and practices work best for you is half the fun of crystal healing.

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