Home Consciousness Charge Your Crystals & Manifest Under August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

Charge Your Crystals & Manifest Under August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

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During the full moon phase, one experiences a time of deep contemplation, letting go, and bringing desires into reality.

As the full moon in Aquarius approaches in August, here’s all the information you need to navigate the cosmic shift and make the most of its stellar benefits.

During each month, there is a special event called the full moon. This event happens when the sun and the moon are positioned directly opposite each other in the sky. This alignment brings attention to specific areas of our lives that need our focus and consideration. During a full moon phase, there is a heightened sense of awareness, and emotions tend to run high. Nevertheless, it signifies the need for equilibrium, making it the perfect time for introspection, letting go, and bringing desires into reality.

This specific lunation is influenced by the sun in Leo, as Luna will reach its peak directly across in the sign of Aquarius. Leo is focused on self-expression, creativity, and leadership, while Aquarius prompts us to contemplate our place in the world and our impact on a global scale. The contrast between these two fixed energies encourages us to seek harmony between our individual aspirations and the well-being of our society.

The full moon in August is a dynamic and intense event, with a multitude of astrological aspects that make it anything but subtle. Furthermore, the sun will collide with Uranus, leading to unforeseen transformations that inspire us to liberate ourselves from constraints and embrace revolutionary shifts.

The alignment of Venus with Jupiter and Saturn will present a complex dynamic where the pursuit of growth and enjoyment clashes with the need for practicality and accountability. It is crucial to proceed with caution as Jupiter and Saturn clash, intensifying the conflict between expansion and limitation.

Continue reading to learn how to effectively charge your crystals and harness the energy of August’s full moon in Aquarius.

The Significance of Charging Crystals During the Full Moon

Charging crystals under the full moon is a practice that has been passed down through generations and is believed to harness the moon’s energy to purify, enhance, and revitalize the unique properties of a crystal.

When the full moon phase occurs, the sun’s opposition to the moon signifies a heightened level of energy, clarity, and intuition. The opposition and gravitational pull between these celestial bodies generate potent and dynamic energy, which is perfect for energizing crystals. This energy is thought to purify and amplify the inherent properties of the crystals.

In general, the light of the full moon enhances the vibrational frequencies of crystals, which is thought to increase their effectiveness for manifesting.

The Best Time to Charge Crystals for July’s Full Moon

The full moon in Aquarius is set to reach its peak on August 19 at 2:25 p.m. ET (8:25 p.m. CET)

For optimal results, it is recommended to charge crystals during the night of the full moon and the nights that follow. When the moon reaches its maximum brightness, we experience the peak energy of the full moon, which lasts for approximately three days. The best times to charge crystals are as follows:

The night before the Full Moon: Starting your endeavors early can be beneficial. The moon is almost at its fullest, radiating powerful energy.

Night of the Full Moon: It is highly recommended to take advantage of this potent time to charge your crystals. The moon is currently at its peak, allowing your crystals to absorb the maximum amount of lunar energy.

Night after the Full Moon: The energy of the full moon remains potent, making it ideal for those who may have missed the peak or wish to prolong the charging process.

The Best Crystals to Charge for August’s Full Moon

Charging crystals during the full moon allows you to tap into the universe’s powerful and ever-changing energies. As Luna reaches its peak in the rebellious sign of Aquarius, it’s crucial to reflect on the themes surrounding your visions of the future. This lunation has the power to enhance the potential for significant breakthroughs.

I am presenting you with the four crystals that can be charged and explaining their potential benefits:

Amethyst: This stone is highly regarded for its spiritual protection and powerful high-vibrational energy, making it a popular choice among individuals with an affinity for astrology. This crystal is known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a perfect match for those with Aquarius’ visionary nature. During this lunation, Amethyst can assist you in accessing your intuition, providing clarity and insight as you navigate the powerful energies of this full moon.

Hematite: This stone is known for its grounding properties. It offers protection and stability, making it particularly useful during a full moon with challenging aspects. When faced with unpredictable changes and intense emotions, Hematite can be a valuable tool for maintaining stability and balance. It enables you to navigate through challenging energies with calmness and strength.

Red Jasper: This stone is known for its ability to provide grounding and stability. It can be especially useful during this chaotic lunation, when the energies of change and rebellion are particularly intense. It can assist in keeping you grounded and connected to your authentic self, empowering you to navigate through transitions with confidence and resilience.

Labradorite: This powerful stone is known for its ability to bring about transformation and protection. The Uranian themes of innovation and change, often associated with the full moon in Aquarius, align particularly well with this stone. By charging this stone, you can enhance your capacity to navigate uncharted territory and embrace fresh starts with a sense of tranquility.

After the Full Moon, What Should You Do with Your Crystals?

After charging your crystals, you can follow a series of steps to seamlessly incorporate their revitalized energy into your everyday routine and manifestation practice.

Set intentions with your crystals: Take your time and hold each crystal in your hand, focusing on setting specific intentions that align with their unique energy and properties. Reflect on your goals, aspirations, or specific areas of life where you require guidance.

Carry the crystals with you: It is advisable to keep your energized crystals in close proximity to you, whether it be by carrying them in your pocket, adorning them as jewelry, or storing them in a small pouch. Keeping them close by ensures that their energy envelopes your aura, offering ongoing support and protection.

Elevate your personal space: Arrange your crystals strategically and intentionally in specific areas of your home and workspace.

Amethyst: Place in areas where you seek spiritual clarity, such as your nightstand or under your pillow.

Hematite: Place in areas where you desire a sense of grounding, like by the front door or in your workspace.

Red Jasper: Best kept in areas where you want to enhance stability and motivation, like your desk or living room.

Labradorite: Place in areas where you enjoy moments of solitude and self-reflection, such as on a meditation altar.

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