Home Consciousness An Easy Cleansing Ritual for August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

An Easy Cleansing Ritual for August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Get ready for the Aquarius Full Moon on August 19, as it graces the sky with its powerful presence.

This Full Moon is classified as a Supermoon due to its close proximity to the Earth. Additionally, it holds significance as the final Full Moon before the onset of Eclipse Season, amplifying its impact on us.

Under this Full Moon, there is a significant amount of dynamic and transformative energy in motion. The celestial heavens are currently filled with intense alignments and heightened activity, which can greatly amplify our experiences. During this Full Moon, there may be unexpected news or events that arise, causing a sense of uneasiness in various aspects of our lives.

To navigate this Full Moon, it is advisable to embrace the power of surrendering to the flow. Instead of excessive strategizing, we should embrace the current journey we are on.

This ritual has been carefully crafted to assist you in effectively navigating the energies of the August Full Moon.

Performing this ritual at any time can be highly beneficial, but to fully harness the potent lunar energies, I suggest conducting it between August 14-24, 2024.

May the blessings of the Super Moon be upon you!

Aquarius Full Moon Ritual August 2024

This ritual can be done anytime, but for best results, aim to do it between August 14-24, 2024


  • Any smudging tool you feel comfortable using


1. Begin by cleansing your aura and the space around you with a smudging tool of your choice. While purifying your aura, it is beneficial to recite the following:

“I release and let go of everything that is bothering me.” I am able to release and let go of the burdens from my past and anything that no longer serves me. I am filled with a sense of lightness and purpose as I tap into the immense power that resides within me. I feel purified. I feel completely restored. I feel rejuvenated. I am love.”

While purifying your environment, it is beneficial to recite the following:

“This space is protected and cleansed, ensuring a harmonious environment. I hereby cleanse this space of any energies that no longer serve its purpose and any energies that are not meant to be here. My space is infused with positive energy and attracts happiness. Thank you for your message. Thank you for your message. Thank you.”

2. For this ritual, you will be directing your love and positive energy towards the world. Alternatively, you can focus on a specific individual who may be in need or with whom you have unresolved conflicts.

3. After making your decision, it’s important to take a moment to calm your mind, body, and soul. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths, allowing yourself to fully settle into the present moment.

4. Close your eyes and imagine a radiant white light emanating from the center of your heart. Visualize the ball of white light expanding as you take each breath. Once you have a clear visualization of the radiant ball of light in your mind, imagine it extending its reach to the world or the specific individual you are focusing on. Please find additional information below:

Sending love to the world: Visualize a radiant white light emanating from your heart, expanding beyond the confines of your room, extending throughout your house, and flowing effortlessly through the streets, encompassing the entire city, and ultimately embracing the entire world. Visualize the planet in your mind’s eye and envision your white light enveloping it, emanating love throughout every inch. Maintain the visualization of the Earth enveloped in a radiant, compassionate glow until you feel it has reached its desired effect.

Sending love to a person: Imagine the person standing before you and envision a gentle stream of loving energy flowing from your heart to theirs. Keep sending out pure, compassionate energy until you feel full.

5. After completing the process, envision the white light retracing its path, returning to your room, and ultimately merging with your heart. Experience the abundant return of love that you have generously shared. Take 10 deep breaths and visualize your white light gently returning to your body.

6. After you feel prepared, gently open your eyes, rise to your feet, release any tension in your body, and purify your aura once more with the help of your trusted smudging tool. While performing the cleansing ritual, it is recommended to recite the following:

“The love I send returns to me multiplied by ten. I am filled with love, and I send it out to the world. I embrace my true self without any hesitation. I sense a profound sense of liberation from all that burdens me. I radiate with luminosity. I am filled with love. I am in touch with my authentic and elevated essence.”

7. You can drink some tea or water at the end of the ritual to soothe you.

Have a great Full Moon and don’t forget to give all the love that you can!

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