Home Consciousness Jupiter Retrograde 2024: Expect Unexpected Luck

Jupiter Retrograde 2024: Expect Unexpected Luck

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by Conscious Reminder

Fast Mercury isn’t the only celestial body that can go retrograde.

Any planet—and even some non-planet bodies—can influence astrological outcomes due to their apparent retrograde motion. Actually, in 2024, all the planets will experience a retrograde phase with the exception of Venus. Every nine months, Jupiter typically goes into retrograde motion for a duration of four months.

Retrograde in Astrology

Although astrology and astronomy split up a few centuries ago, retrogrades are still something that astronomers and astrologists can observe. It seems as though planets are moving backwards when they enter retrograde motion. But they’re still moving forward in the same way they always do. A result of the rules of motion for objects traveling at different speeds is that they appear to go backwards. Jupiter is not moving at the same rate as Earth. In our view, the Gas Giant seems to decelerate and recede as we fly past it.

When planets are in retrograde motion, it changes their qualities and how they appear in astrology. That planet might get weaker overall. During a retrograde period, it is common to think about matters pertaining to that planet. While plans can be made, it’s advisable to hold off on implementing them until the retrograde passes. You should be aware that there are many retrograde periods throughout the year, but that shouldn’t stop you from living your life. Retrogrades teach us to embrace humility and adapt to changing circumstances.

Jupiter Retrograde 2024: Dates & Meaning

From October 9, 2024, through February 4, 2025, Jupiter will be in retrograde motion. The Mercury retrograde from November 25 to December 15 and the Mars retrograde from December 6 to February 23 will both intersect with this period. This will happen at the same time as the retrograde motion of Uranus for the majority of 2024 and of Neptune for a fraction of that year. Because all of the planets are in retrograde motion, early December 2024 is likely to be relatively calm. Staying in, getting cozy, and thinking back on your year will be the ideal way to spend this time.

Typically, when Jupiter is retrograde, it’s a good time to reflect on and integrate what we’ve learned about the spiritual and philosophical aspects of our lives. This should lead to a more refined understanding of our beliefs and a more cohesive whole when the retrograde ends. From a spiritual perspective, you might start to doubt things. One possible outcome of a retrograde is a “coming home” to long-forgotten spiritual practices, as this is a time when many people reflect on and revisit previously held beliefs.

Jupiter is also the lord of the law. Nevertheless, it usually has no bearing on the course of court proceedings. Instead, it influences our general views about our nation’s rules. While Jupiter is retrograde, it’s a good time to think about your feelings on laws that touch on spiritual philosophy, like those pertaining to capital punishment.

Jupiter is associated with prosperity, good fortune, and serendipity. Even if these themes don’t impact your luck, you might find yourself thinking about how you relate to them. We strongly advise starting a gratitude practice during Jupiter’s retrograde.

Whatever aspects of a Jupiter retrograde aspect you experience are directly related to the house it occupies in your birth chart. For example, when Jupiter transits your third house, it may bring up philosophical issues, laws, and spiritual matters related to your local community or communication.

During this specific transit, Jupiter will be retrograde in Gemini. Jupiter remains in each sign for nearly exactly twelve months, and it only changes signs once a year. In May of 2024, Jupiter will move from the earthy sign of Taurus to the airy sign of Gemini. As we move through this phase, our priorities change from material possessions and ease to the exchange of ideas and the development of meaningful relationships with other people. During the retrograde in Gemini, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the new knowledge you have gained since this sign change and choose the beliefs that truly speak to you.

Things to Avoid During Jupiter Retrograde

During Jupiter’s retrograde phases, it’s best to stay away from these things in general. In spite of astrology, people must go about their daily lives. Be cautious and ready for a few things to go awry if you must do these things during Jupiter retrograde. One important lesson of retrogrades in astrology is learning to accept and embrace life’s challenges as they come.

  • Avoid hedonism, spending, and overeating. You can maintain your health and happiness by practicing moderation during this time.
  • Avoid new political and philosophical groups, as well as religious sects. We encourage exploration, but any commitments or memberships should be postponed until after this retrograde.
  • Avoid debates about religion and philosophy. You can argue, but be careful not to take a stand or play the devil’s advocate; doing so could have serious consequences, including harm to your relationships, at the moment. Keep in mind that the purpose of this time is to contemplate your ideologies, not to force them on others.

How to Make the Most of Jupiter Retrograde?

Although the downsides of a retrograde period tend to get all the attention, there are always some positives to consider as well. While Jupiter is retrograde, the following pursuits may serve as useful guides.

  • Find ways to be grateful every day. Thinking about what we don’t have is easy when Jupiter is retrograde. Making it a habit to be thankful will help you appreciate all the little and big things in your life.
  • Assess your worldview, paying special attention to any shifts that may have occurred in the last twelve months. Relinquish those things that do you no favors anymore.
  • Disputes with people, particularly over moral and spiritual issues, should be handled with grace and consideration. Instead of getting deeply into an argument, just agree to disagree. That will help keep the relationship intact.

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